the media business: advertising -- addenda; added duties for bbdo on gillette account - personal care appliances

by:Yovog     2020-06-26
the media business: advertising -- addenda; added duties for bbdo on gillette account  -  personal care appliances
2,2007 Boston's Gillette has expanded its relationship with BBDO, part of the Omnicom Group, by naming the agency to handle the global creative duties of Braun appliances and personal care products, this role is handled by Lowe & Partners world, which is part of the company's Interpublic Group.
The bill is estimated at $50 million to $60 million.
Whether this decision starts at Gillette to consider whether to leave the task at Lao or to transfer it to another agency on the Gillette roster, such as BBDO or part of the WPP Group made after the global Ogilvy company.
Prior to the start of the formal review, Lao withdrew from the review, and Gillette granted the task to BBDO, which has been working for Gillette since 1966.
The task will be carried out by the BBDO office in duseldorf, Germany; London; and New York.
It was brought from the London office.
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A version of this article was printed on page 9 of the national version of cinterest on February 2, 2004 with the title: Media Business: Advertising--ADDENDA;
BBDO on Gillette's account added tariffs.
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