The Best Way To Clean Your Tennis Shoes - the best boot dryer

by:Yovog     2022-09-09
The Best Way To Clean Your Tennis Shoes  -  the best boot dryer
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I played a lot of tennis and I was very good at cleaning tennis shoes.
I 've been asked if my shoes are brand or not, usually not, but I 've developed a good system to make my tennis shoes very clean.
Whether you're outside hard or muddy, your tennis shoes are likely to get dirty soon.
When you play, your feet start to sweat, the sweat will get the shoes wet, and then the dust will stick to the shoes.
You can also have a sports drink when you change.
Drink quickly and drop the stick-like substance on the face, clothes and shoes;
The dust will stick to it immediately.
If you're ready to learn how to make your shoes look like new, read on.
Supplies you need: a large enough bucket for shoes, a soft brush, detergent, pre-
Wash and spray.
Step 1: Step 1, maybe the most important thing is to prepare your tennis shoes with a good pre-soak.
I like to fill the bucket with cold water and it's important to use cold water to make sure you don't shrink or fade the color of your tennis shoes.
Add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to your cold bucket and put your shoes in the bucket.
Get the shoes wet and make sure they are submerged below the water level of the barrel.
Let the shoes soak 15-20 minutes.
Step 2: After 15-remove the shoes from the cold bucket20 minutes.
With your pre-wash treatment.
Now, gently scrub the sole with a soft brush, and the sole is almost the bottom that meets the fabric.
Unless your wipe brush is very soft, you may want to avoid scrubbing the fabric part of your tennis shoes as it may make the fabric blurry.
After cleaning the shoes, let them sit 5 more-10 minutes.
Step 3: Put your shoes in the washing machine.
Make sure that the washing cycle is set to mild while making sure that it is cold water washing and cold water washing (
Avoid hot or warm water).
I also like to tie laces so they don't get stuck with anything on the machine.
You don't need to add extra soap because pre-
Treatment and soaking should add enough soap to the shoes.
Step 4: once the shoes have finished the cycle in the washing machine, take them out and leave them outside to dry.
Do not put the shoes into the dryer as this will cause the shoes to wear out too early.
Summary: Congrats!
You should now prepare a very nice and clean pair of shoes for the next tennis match.
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