tech companies release slew of gadgets aimed at health concerns - good electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-12-08
tech companies release slew of gadgets aimed at health concerns  -  good electric toothbrush
The story comes from Kaiser Health News.
If there were any signs of a personal health care device score at the Consumer Electronics Show last week, it is clear that the Apple Watch has started a game from high
Technology companies take advantage of health concerns.
The latest version of the watch, which was released last fall, detected a slimming heart and a tendency to fall.
What other manufacturers have learned from this is that if you can worry about problems that people don't realize, you can make money and pass a hightech product.
Many products seem to follow this strategy at large annual exhibitions.
For example, the question of how long it takes to brush your teeth. With Y-
Brush, you can put that heavy Two
The recommended time is 10 seconds and should also make your teeth cleaner. Maker of Y
The shaped device says it finishes brushing all your top and bottom teeth in five seconds, and the exposure time per tooth is typically twice as longminute tooth-by-
Recommended for traditional electric toothbrush user brushing solution.
The company said its device removed 15% of dental plaque from traditional toothbrushes.
Of course, every time you brush, you will release an extra 110 seconds of life. The $125 Y-
Brush handles and brushes will be sold online this year;
Additional brush heads that need to be replaced every six months will cost $25.
Another question: you can't always predict when you need to go to the bathroom.
DFree, a half-worn sensor.
The inch above the Pubis bone can predict when a person must urinate, which gives the wearer a chance to measure how long they are away from the toilet.
DFree monitors changes in bladder size and transmits this information to the smartphone app, which sends customizable alerts to the person when a toilet needs to be found.
The company says it does not work for pregnant women or toilets
Training young children.
The unit costs $500, or $40 a month, and the rent applies to the final purchase.
Now one of the features of the Apple Watch is to detect the waterfall, which appears on other devices.
Just like this belt, it can also remind you of weight gain when it feels the belt is getting tighter and tighter. (Yeah, like old-
Old fashioned belts are OK. )
The Welt smart belt was developed with Samsung seed funds and it also monitors the time you sit and the number of steps you take.
Connect to the smartphone app (naturally)
Welt recommends when users should stand or change their eating habits and send custom alerts after they fall.
There is no shortage in the display of equipment to improve your mental ability.
Application BrainTap
A range of subscription-based audio music and sound stimuli that provide visual exercises that the company says will re-train your brain to relax, reduce stress and maximize weight loss
Depending on whether you only need to meet one or more conditions, the company charges $10 to $30 per month for the series.
As an added benefit, the company also sells an odd $547 headset that can shine blue light into your eyes.
The company says it uses light to stimulate your ears, following the precepts of what is called ear therapy, which uses light to activate "the meridians known to directly affect the body's organs and systems.
"The electronics industry seems to think that it can make money to convince people that they should worry about their own hearts.
Some products in the form of simplified ECG (EKG)
Apple watches and Kardia are already on the market.
WitCard from WitMonki is a credit card-
The size of the device, by touching two thumbs and one index finger, sends the results to one person's healthcare provider, where, using the company's WitDisplayer Portal, EKG readings over a period of time can be compared, and take appropriate action if necessary. The battery-
The operating WitCard is undergoing trials approved by the European Union certification and Food and Drug Administration, which may cost about $120.
Have you ever worried if you're burning carbs or fat?
There's a way now.
Breathe into the lumen device every morning to get a reading of the carbon dioxide concentration.
Based on this, the mobile app determines how yesterday's sleep, exercise and diet choices affect your ability to burn carbs or fats.
Lumens also promises to tell you if you have enough energy reserves before moving (
And how to deal with it)
Why do you always feel tired and how to change your diet to lose weight.
The company expects to ship $249 worth of equipment in August.
Philips, the electronics giant, has become the latest company to ease our lack of sleep concerns.
The $400 smart sleep headband is worn on the bed, making sounds that can detect and enhance slow sounds --
Waves, or deep, sleep-
The slowest breathing and heart rate.
The purpose of smart sleep is to keep the wearer deep.
Longer sleep time;
It does not increase the amount of time a person sleeps, nor does it help someone to sleep or stay asleep.
And, if you're older, you're unlucky because the device is recommended for people between the ages of 18 and 50.
Philips said slow-
As the age increases, wave activity decreases and is more difficult to detect. A high-
Finally, an obvious question is: how to remember to take multiple medications multiple times a day.
Of course, there's one more-as-
Obvious solution: automatic drug
Dispensing device.
One of the latest products to try this is RxPense, which offers high
Fancy technology.
The machine is loaded with sealed pill blister cards by participating pharmacies.
Once the barcode of the card confirms that it is correct and loaded into the machine, the patient is identified by the face recognition, RFID bracelet or PIN, and the correct pill pack, bar code confirmation on the package, assigned at the set time.
But there's more.
The camera recorded the dispensing and the removal of the patient.
No missed dose was allocated.
RxPense can be rented for $150 a month.
The device cannot tell if the patient actually took the pill.
For this purpose, the pill needs to include digestible RFID tags to track its travel in the body.
FDA-approved Ali MyCite first medicine belt built in
Tracking sensors in 2017.
Don't be surprised to see a device at next year's show that can tell you where those marking pills are.
Health News (KHN)
It is the national health policy news service.
This is an independent editorial program by Henry J.
It is not part of Kaiser's permanent Kaiser Family Foundation.
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