Talk About a Loaded Question! - best electric toothbrush for kids

by:Yovog     2021-12-25
Talk About a Loaded Question!  -  best electric toothbrush for kids
An L. A.
The county sheriff's deputy testified in criminal cases, and a defense lawyer asked him why he did not write down the license plate of the suspect's vehicle.
According to the operation of Paramount City, the deputy replied, "because your client shot me --"
Packed Newsletter
About "I know the electricity bill is up, but so much?
Whittier's Shirley Taylor asked, referring to her recent bill, 600 times larger than last month's (
See attached).
She checked with Edison in Southern California and was told it was a "computer error ". " (
It's easy to blame those untrustworthy computers, isn't it? )
Wait until the next job assessment: Jim Schumacher at hemoosa beach observed a "intimidating" owl that seems to be friends with many enemies (see photo).
Stupid driver at the time: "When I refuel at the petrol station in Burbank, I hear a strange sound that is getting bigger and bigger," said Kirby Furon of Canoga Park.
"Imagine how surprised I was when the noise turned into a man in his middle
In his 20 s, he drove along the street when he missed his left front tire--
The whole thing!
No tires, no rims, nothing.
He was riding on the brake pads, making a huge spark.
The driver drove along the road, "nothing strange happened, said Furon.
"A great way to get your teeth knocked out:" I thought I saw everything ---
Until a pickup truck passed by me.
"It looks like this guy is using an Interplak toothbrush.
Of course I was by his side when the traffic stopped and he was using an electric toothbrush.
I don't know where he spit. I don't think I want to know either. "(
Next Article: windshield wiper?
Who needs a windshield wiper? )
Before 100: The Times tells the story of the trial of John Smith, the first drunk man of the century, the first person arrested in Los Angeles in the new century.
He was accused of "disorderly conduct" at the Salvation Army barracks, claiming he was a peaceful man trying to break the battle between the other two guests.
As for the claim that he was never drunk, prison officials said he was trying to smuggle a bottle of gin that night when he was caught. His place in L. A.
History should be fined $5.
The next good thing about snowballs: for the children of Mt.
Washington Elementary School, this is a different class.
An adhr representative visited to give advice on how to use transparent plastic milk bags, which the company is replacing with cartons at local schools.
The seminar was very thorough.
On one occasion, the representative said, "If you want to apply the milk to the grain, gently turn the bag over and squeeze it.
Don't remove the straw because it will be sealed. " (
Yes, he used the word "apply. ")
Everything went well until the representative announced that the bags were actually "indestructible.
"Some students have had a scientific interest in this statement and have begun to throw away milk --
Fill containers like baseball.
Conclusion: they are not all indestructible.
The school authorities quickly stepped in and stopped the impromptu experiment.
MiscelLAny: while energy costs are on the rise, the same is true for wages from the ads found by Tim Whyte at Tustin (
See attached).
Hell, I'm happy with the $25,000 low-cost job. per-hour level.
* Can be reached by Steve Harvey (800)LATIMES, Ext.
77083, fax (213)237-
4712, sent by mail on the Los Angeles MetroA. Times, 202 W. 1st St. , L. A.
90012 and e-mail at steve. harvey@latimes. com.
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