strategies for allergic cat lovers - best air purifier for pet hair

by:Yovog     2020-12-05
strategies for allergic cat lovers  -  best air purifier for pet hair
If you are a cat lover who is allergic to cats, or someone else in your home who is allergic to cats, the good news is that over time, many people are able to establish tolerance to cat allergens.
In fact, most allergic cat lovers have learned how to manage their condition without the need for a catfree existence.
For most cats, the benefits of being owned by kittens seem to outweigh the disadvantages of allergies.
Many people do not realize that it is not the cat's fur that causes allergic symptoms, but a small dandruff called dandruff.
That's why cat breeds without hair are not really hypoallergenic.
You can also be sensitive to the saliva of your cat, when you touch her, or when the saliva touches your skin directly, you can reach it.
Many people are allergic to a specific protein called FEL.
There are d1 in cat dandruff and saliva.
Some people are even allergic to cat urine.
Interestingly, several studies in recent years have shown that infants living with pets in the first or second year are less likely to develop allergies with growth.
How to minimize cat allergies at home consider making your bedroom (
Or the bedroom where you are allergic to family members)a cat-free zone.
This means Fluffy cannot enter the room for whatever reason.
Buy high-quality air purifiers to help clean the air of allergens and other contaminants.
In order to prevent the accumulation of allergic substances at home, replace the carpet with a hard floor and use non-
Fabric curtains, avoid using upholstered furniture if possible.
Always clean your home thoroughly, including any surfaces that capture pet hair and dandruff (
Sofa beds, pillows, bedding, pet beds, etc. ).
Wash bedding in hot water at least every week.
Wash your hands after handling your cat, and if both of you have been snuggling up on the couch, consider the shower and shampoo before retiring to avoid bringing kitty allergens to the bed.
• Feed your cat an
Inflammation, balance, species
Proper diet.
Reducing or eliminating allergic foods your kitten eats will reduce the quality of allergies to her saliva.
Make sure your cat gets the best level of essential fatty acids in the diet to reduce shedding and dandruff.
Bathe your cat on a regular basis, pay attention to using only safe non
Dry herbal shampoo.
How to bathe the cat and tell it alive []
Others suggest that your allergic reaction to cats is the result of an inflammatory response in your body.
To help reduce inflammation, you may need to consider taking several supplements, including: Quercetin.
Quercetin is a kind of-
Inflammation and antioxidant properties.
I call it "natural benadot" because it inhibits the release of tissue Amine, which is the main cause of inflammation, redness and irritation features of allergic reactions.
Pineapple and papaya.
Bromelain and papain are a protein enzyme that can increase the absorption of quercetin pinins and inhibit the production of tissue amine.
I would suggest using quercetin pinins, pineapples, and papaya enzymes as they inhibit the release of Prost, which is also a factor in the course of inflammation. • Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-
3 s helps reduce systemic inflammation.
One of the best sources for Omega
The three fatty acids are shrimp oil. • Coconut oil.
Coconut oil contains uric acid that helps reduce yeast production.
The use of fish oil, such as shrimp oil containing coconut oil, can reduce or inhibit inflammatory reactions.
Probiotics and/or traditional fermented foods.
Healthy gut bacteria are critical to normal immune system function.
Allergies are symptoms of overactivity of the immune system. Dr.
Karen Becker is an active integrated health vet.
You go to see her website: MercolaHealthyPets.
ComHer's goal is to help you create health to prevent diseases in your pet's life.
This proactive approach tries to save you and your pet from unnecessary stress and pain by identifying and removing health barriers before the disease occurs.
Unfortunately, most veterinarians in the United States have received response training.
They wait for symptoms to appear and often treat them without addressing the root cause. By reading Dr.
Becker's message, you will learn how to make influential, consistent lifestyle choices to improve the quality of life of your pet. For more by Dr.
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