Strange Fruit And Stranger Dreams In The Deep South - baby electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-07-24
Strange Fruit And Stranger Dreams In The Deep South  -  baby electric toothbrush
A recent book by Steve Stern is called the book of mischief.
I'm going to make a crazy request for a book, so the skeptics of you can stop reading now.
It's called battlefield and the Moon Says I Love You
I know the title is too outrageous.
Also, this is an epic, with almost no punctuation at all on more than 500 pages in the original.
Are you still with me?
Believe me, it's like there are no other books in our literature.
Its author Frank Stanford has been celebrating with songs and stories since his death in 1978.
His life was a legend and he was not exploited: he was abandoned as a baby and educated by monks (
"When the rest of you were children, I became a monk. ");
He looks so handsome.
Worship of women;
He died before he was 30.
In his short life, he refined the reckless energy of his childhood into a huge, amazing myth;
He poured his vision into countless poems, especially in the great pot of the battlefield, which spilled over.
Francis, the teen narrator of the book, is clairvoyant and fearless: "I will open my mouth with a metaphor," he boasted.
"I want to say some secrets to the foundation of the world.
"But somewhere between beowave and David Crockett, bragging is like a tongue --in-
Because they are serious.
Likewise, his quest for justice, revenge, and love is hilarious in the daylight, and heroic in his field of dreams.
This is a young man's book, and it is also his friend, poet C. D.
"If you're not young and not crazy, it's too late," Wright said.
"Frances's exploits are wild, funny and sublime, mixing the bankers antics with the music of the otherworldly.
In one episode, he was tied up by a horse thief on a ship full of snakes and rescued by a madman's cousin of Ernest Hemingway's old fisherman;
In another example, he was seduced by a mother who lost her loved ones, who performed cunning tricks with an electric toothbrush.
Stanford spent his childhood summer on the dam his adoptive father was building, and the lineup of characters on the battlefield --
Some like itchy Willey. in-the-Camp-With-Six-Toes —
Largely inspired by his black friends of those days.
The dialect of the book, like its conscience, stems from France's recognition of the experience of black people in the South.
As a trade land surveyor, Frank Stanford never bothered to distinguish between the haunted landscape in his mind and the one he wandered around the Earth.
When Francis travels with free riders through civil rights --era South —
Through the clouds of Earth Dobbin dogs and snake doctors, under trees still hung with strange fruits --
The bus he took was also a ship of death that he had hidden.
The logic of the book is the logic of a dream, cocky, ecstatic, and its narrator on the journey back without a traveller.
"All these are magic against death," declared Francis . " The book defines intent as well as any intention.
This battlefield is very beautiful and the Moon says I love you like a Great Southern Gothic fun house illuminated by lightning.
Exploring its mysteries not only makes you feel strongly alive, but you have to do something about it for God's sake.
You have to read this article produced and edited by Alan Silva and Ross Friedman with the help of annalyssa Quinn's production.
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