STM keeps buying hybrid buses, even though the technology is faulty - best electric toothbrush to buy

by:Yovog     2022-04-02
STM keeps buying hybrid buses, even though the technology is faulty  -  best electric toothbrush to buy
Transport agencies acknowledge that many of the problems that plague buses are caused by diesel failures
Electric hybrid cars are still buying hybrid buses.
Transport agencies in the city acknowledge that many of the problems that plague their buses are caused by diesel failures
Hybrid technology, but it continues to order hundreds of buses using this problematic technology.
Rene Amilcar, executive director of STM bus, said in the Montreal Gazette this week that hybrid technology is very popular for taxi drivers and the trucking industry, it is not suitable for buses that often park and drive.
"These engines are more suitable for the trucking industry," Amilcar said . ".
STM Director General Luc blay repeated Amilcar's statement in an interview with the TVA network on Thursday morning.
Amilcar explained that the hybrid bus purchased after 2010 was equipped with particle filters designed to reduce smog --
Emitting particles.
However, these filters can only work properly if the bus can travel longer distances without parking.
If not, the filter is not hot enough to burn the soot inside, which can cause problems with the bus engine.
The Quebec government has authorized STM to purchase only so-called clean engines, which means hybrid or electric engines, Amilcar said.
Pierre Langlois, a technical consultant for bus cleaning, believes that bus hybrid technology is not ideal.
However, he said it is still much better than using conventional diesel, which emits more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
However, there are other clean fuel technologies around the world that are used to fuel buses, which can save greenhouse gas emissions and reduce maintenance costs for buses.
Ian Johnston, regional manager of clean energy at natural gas supply Canada, said that over the years, he has been in contact with the Quebec government many times to try to sell the idea of a bus powered by renewable natural gas, but his sales were ignored.
"They just don't want to listen," he said . "
"But for me, the idea of buying a diesel hybrid bus today is crazy.
The cost of maintenance for hybrid buses is far more than any other type of bus, and eventually they will still burn dirty diesel into the atmosphere, Johnstone said.
Langlois agrees that the best option for buses is to use renewable natural gas, which will make good use of the bio-methane chemical plant planned to be built in the city of Monterey.
"If you can get enough gas and only use renewable gas, it will be the best solution," Langlois said . " He added that he was not sure if the supply of renewable natural gas was sufficient.
He explained that methane absorbed by renewable natural gas is usually buried along with organic matter in other domestic waste and landfill sites and converted into fuel that emits carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
"At this point, the use of fuel will become carbon neutral because you use carbon dioxide to produce the factory (or a vegetable)
"When you turn carbon dioxide into natural gas, you put it back in the air," he said . ". St-
The mayor of the borough of Laurent, Alan deshosa, opposition critic on mobility issues at the Town Hall, said that about a year ago, when the mayor of Monterey, Valery Plante, continued to commit to the purchase of 300 new hybrid buses, his party raised the issue of hybrid technology.
"At the time, we said we were not sure it was the best technology and we would have to keep these new buses in the fleet for 16 years, which would slow the shift to electric buses," desusa said.
Given the excess power supply in Quebec, all-electric buses make the most sense for the city, says Langlois, and the maintenance costs of electric buses will be much lower because they have fewer components.
If you think your bus is unreliable, these STM numbers may answer why the bus was towed away because of running out of gas, the bus of union bossSTM is even on the edge of the fault mechanics jmagder @ postmedia. comtwitter.
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