Stitch Yourself Shut- Surgery at Home. - best at home skin care devices

by:Yovog     2021-07-18
Stitch Yourself Shut- Surgery at Home.  -  best at home skin care devices
Surgery at home.
I can teach you how to sew this wound.
It will provide guidelines to help you with your own surgery at home.
This does not replace a qualified opinion, but provides generic information to help those who are not able to afford assistance from a general practitioner or hospital.
Are you hurt?
Do you have a wound that won't heal?
Don't you have time to go to the hospital?
Read on as I will address all your damage needs.
What you need is the following.
~ The smaller the sewing needle, the better.
~ Cotton appprox 30 cm. ~ Dis-infectant. ~ Bandage.
Probe/cleaning tool.
Let's start once you have these. . .
First, we need to assess whether we can accomplish the task at hand.
"Complete" means completion in an acceptable manner and serving the purpose at hand.
That is to close the wound to help with the healing process.
There is nothing more than this.
Consider Bush's survival as the last resort.
Well, we need to evaluate several areas. 1. Blood flow-
If you encounter excessive blood flow, which limits your perception of the site, use the compression bandage immediately and seek medical advice.
If there is not too much "blood flow" and you can view the website successfully, proceed. 2. Dimensions-
This became a major factor in closing the wound.
If the wound is too large or a large amount of tissue is removed, you must immediately seek medical advice. 3.
Foreign materials
Sew Your submarine.
When the foreign material is inside, it is a big taboo for the leather skin layer to be closed.
If you shut down a piece of foreign material on the submarine
Leather layer of skin (
Under your skin layer)
Whether you like it or not, you will go to the hospital in the near future.
The human body is able to discharge foreign bodies through the abscess at the top of the skin and pustules, for exampleZits.
If you hide a foreign body under your skin, then you are at risk of being infected almost immediately.
This can be leed's gang.
Hard knots and possible amputations in affected areas.
Pay attention to my warning that you do not want to go along this road. Clean and dis-
Completely infected the wound before continuing.
As you can see in the second photo, I removed a small piece of foreign matter before stitching.
Are you bleeding? Lets go! !
The most important step after the disinfection site is the disinfection appliance.
They must be completely sterile before use, otherwise you will go against the purpose of cleaning, stitching, and bandaging the wound.
I recommend using a sanitized solution or hydrogen peroxide mixture purchased by a pharmacy. .
We will first completely soak the affected area in one dis.
Infection solutions
Once the affected area is completely submerged in the solution, some stirring may be required to remove the substance from the wound.
Make sure to remove as much foreign material as possible.
If you can't remove the foreign body, I suggest you stop here and wrap the wound with a sterile bandage and seek medical advice.
Once the affected area without foreign substances is cleaned up, dry the area and go to the next step.
Now we start stitching the wound.
Start with the edge of the wound closet and sew away from yourself.
You will notice that the edge of the wound becomes numb and can be pierced with little discomfort.
Make sure you get as close to the edge as possible without letting it bleed and release the stitching.
We will start the left side of the wound with the original fixing needle.
Insert the needle down to the child
The leather layer of the skin.
At this point you need to level the needle and venture through the walls adjacent to the wound and wound.
Once across the other side of the wound, return the needle to the surface of the skin via sub
The leather layer of the skin.
We need the needle deep enough not to release the skin by tearing.
Once we get to the right side of the wound, we need to go through the wound again to the next point.
A simple chart will illustrate.
Once you twist your way to the top of the wound, be sure to tie a decent knot.
There, you have it, a wound that is neatly fixed.
This method may require a small amount of practice, but it will be very convenient when needed.
It may also take a while for you to accept the ability to "sew yourself.
You need to keep in mind that it's just skin and they will sew it in the hospital anyway.
I hope you have at least found this message or something interesting. WoW! !
Now that my fingers are sewn, I can type better.
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