stamford park infant school closed due to mould problems - top quality air purifiers

by:Yovog     2021-04-01
stamford park infant school closed due to mould problems  -  top quality air purifiers
A "high level" mould baby school was closed after a staff member had to be hospitalized.
The Stamford Park baby school in Greater Manchester Hale was closed for two days, allowing the Microbiology home to check the site.
The Trafford Council said they confirmed the presence of a common fungus, aspergagen, that "makes asthma worse ".
The air purifier has been installed, it says, and the air quality now is "satisfactory, don't worry ".
Local Democratic Reporting Service said a clinical consultant treating affected staff at Wythenshawe hospital asked for an examination.
A mold monitoring department of the University of Manchester NHS Foundation Trust found "high level environmental mold spores" at the site of Cedar Road, where Cedar Road is also home to junior high school.
Teacher Anne
Mary McDowell was forced to close the school on Monday and Tuesday, and officials were dealing with the situation.
On Tuesday, a council letter posted on the school's website said that air purifiers had been installed to solve the "immediate" problem and that the work would continue to "address potential causes ".
Further monitoring is planned, but air quality is now "satisfactory and not worrying" and the school will reopen on Wednesday.
On February, a committee proposed to merge Stamford Park primary and infant schools into a brand new 8 m school, but was turned away by junior head teacher Catherine Downing to become a college.
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