Sonic Toothbrush Cheap Head Replacement Hack! - cheap toothbrushes

by:Yovog     2022-01-11
Sonic Toothbrush Cheap Head Replacement Hack!  -  cheap toothbrushes
This will save you some considerable money on the life of your sonic toothbrush!
You need: Sonic Toothbrush (of course! )
A regular toothbrush with some meat in the middle of the handle. (
I bought a double bag for $2 for a regular brand. 00! )
DrillA little bit for guide holes. (
I used 1/16 drill bits).
The approximate size of the larger drill brush head shaft. (
My sonic S320 used 9/64).
Fix the toothbrush and cut the handle under the fattest part of the middle section of the toothbrush.
I used a hacksaw.
This is the most difficult part because you need to drill as straight and centered as possible.
You can use boxing or awl, nails, etc.
Mark the center and set the starting point for the drill bit.
Drill a pilot hole and don't worry if you drill through the top of the handle.
When you're done, you basically want to have a straight, comfortable hole on the Sonic axis.
Find some cheap toothbrushes to use until you perfect your drilling skills and you can go!
Now you want to use the drill bit closest to the shaft size on your sonic wave, but it should be smaller rather than larger.
If it's right, you're done!
Just slide your new brush head on the shaft and you save yourself some major money!
If it's too tight ,(
You don't want to use extreme power and may damage your brush)
, Put the drill back into the hole, continue drilling while applying pressure around the hole, so that it can reach the size suitable for comfortable fit.
Kiss those expensive replacement bits goodbye when you come up with the right bit!
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