solder smoke air filter - best place to buy air purifier

by:Yovog     2021-01-27
solder smoke air filter  -  best place to buy air purifier
I know how to weld.
Since I had a very crappy soldering iron, I kept avoiding it as much as I could.
My fiance bought me an Aoyue 937 soldering station in advance.
There is better but it is the best welding station I have ever used.
So I started to weld things again instead of just twisting and clamping the wires or using a welded bread plate.
All welding problems, smoke.
I swear, no matter how I position my head, the smoke always goes straight to my face.
They let fans that filter smoke buy, but they are about $80. No thanks.
So I chose to do a quick one.
I didn't even care if it filtered the air when I started, just take the smoke away.
So I threw something together.
This is a very basic build.
I can do something fancy like add a switch, throw some carbon in the filter and put the LED on it.
But that doesn't really improve performance.
I just want something that works.
I don't want to complicate things.
My plan is to do this with as many spare parts as possible.
Most teaching assistants may have this kind of thing.
In fact, most people may have done this.
I actually took the vent filter from Lowes for about $3 and I didn't. -
Some spare cardboard
Computer chassis fanAir filters-Cloths hanger (metal)-9-
12 volt wall-
Some glue and tape. Pencil-
Scissors are very direct.
I just cut off the label parts of a small box, put them on the fan, and then do another cut.
Now I have the box around the fan.
To do this, all I do is stick the cardboard to the side of the fan.
It was intended to be made of rubber cement. terrible idea.
It does not glue the cardboard very well.
So I ended up with tape.
It seems to me that it's better done with a hot glue gun.
Bring the hanger and straighten it as much as you can.
Bend it into a Uish shape.
Take it through the hole of the fan.
Now take down both sides of the hangers and bend them down.
The actual basis of touching the table can be anything that suits your needs.
I just bought a stable one.
The front of the base is where the two ends of the hanger meet.
I just wrapped it up with tape.
Connect the fan to the positive and negative poles of the wall Velcro.
You can use curl connectors like me, wrap and wrap with tape, or weld and seal them.
Make sure the polarity is correct and it will work before sealing.
I was using a bracelet on the wall of an old cordless phone.
300ma is 9 volts.
My initial thought was just a fan of smoke.
I chose to throw something blurry in the process of at least trying to filter.
So I saw some ventilation filters at Lowes and cut a square out of one of them.
Because the suction keeps it in place, there is no need to figure out a way to connect it, but I think it's a simple solution, so I put some rough faces of the Velcro labels on the cardboard and then push some filters onto the labels.
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