Smile, You're in the Dental Care Aisle - electric toothbrush offers

by:Yovog     2021-11-14
Smile, You\'re in the Dental Care Aisle  -  electric toothbrush offers
One of the things I have been blessed genetically is good teeth.
The eyes are terrible, but the white pearls are beautiful.
So, maybe that's why I'm making slow progress in the oral health revolution beyond this country.
Electric toothbrushes for over $100. Whiteners.
Mouthwash that doubles by preventing tooth decay or controlling tartar or gum inflammation.
Toothpaste of various flavors.
"People want teeth like Chiclets," says Katie L . "
Dawson, president of the American Association of Dental healers, clinical healers for the past 30 years.
She believes makeup shows are a big part of the reason for oral hygiene-
Especially whitening-
Became so popular.
As dental care begins to shift from necessary but boring household chores to another fascinating way, more and more products begin to be put on shelves.
The advertisement went around the toothbrush aisle in the nearby pharmacy and became very long. out affair.
For consumers, confusion abound about what to buy and whether in fact most of these items are essential.
Advertising "its heart-boggling --
You need a high degree, "Carol Hall, N. Y.
"There was a confusing explosion in the product.
There are whitening toothpaste and toothpaste to prevent tooth decay.
If you want me to go crazy, talk about the toothbrush.
I insist on using a manual toothbrush, which is also confusing.
I will go home with the toothbrush deal I think and then open them and realize I bought the extra toothbrush
Long, medium, not extra. long soft.
"No wonder consumers are confused.
According to the Datamonitor product scan Online database, which monitors product introduction, 112 new toothpaste products were sold in 2004.
Data from smart resource companies
It shows that in the past 52 weeks, Americans have spent $1 billion and $439 on toothpaste.
7 million hand toothbrushes for $194.
Electric toothbrush 6 million
This number includes pharmacies and supermarkets, but not Wal-Mart. Mart. Dr.
Kimberly Hamms is a consumer advisor to the American Dental Association and a dentist in Farmington, Minnesota.
I know people are confused and say, "what we call a confused dental aisle.
"She advised patients to ask the dentist what is necessary for oral hygiene and what is unnecessary during regular inspections.
Do they have a lot of tar build up?
Are they sensitive to teeth?
Select products that meet specific needs.
The first thing is to make sure that the toothbrush can be held comfortably, whether manual or electric.
Then brush again-
Most dentists recommend two minutes. -
It is enough to do the work well.
"All you really need is a manual toothbrush, a little floss, and some time," said Dr. Harms said.
So why do I feel like I missed something because I didn't buy a smart lean system from Philips Sonicare and Crest that retails for about $130?
A toothbrush introduced earlier this year that pumps liquid toothpaste directly to bristles before and during brushing.
It also has a signal moving to another quadrant of the mouth every 30 seconds, and another two-minute timer.
Also, according to the news release, it is three times faster than other leading electric toothbrushes.
On the other hand, advertising says paying more attention to dental hygiene before going to bed may make it difficult for you to fall asleep.
The fact is that although people may like their high
Electric toothbrushes, there is no evidence that they do better than manual toothbrushes.
Earlier this year, the Cochrane collaboration network in the UK
Registered non-profit organizations focused on health care released comments on 42 trials comparing these two toothbrushes.
"In most cases, manual toothbrushes remove plaque like expensive electronic toothbrushes and prevent inflammation of the gums," the researchers said in the report . ".
The only exception is the electric toothbrush with rotating function
The oscillation head, which rotates in one direction and then in the other;
These measures have proved to be more effective.
Experts say electric toothbrushes can be good for people with arthritis or manual dexterity problems or people who brush their teeth in a hurry.
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"The results suggest that many people may waste their money on toothbrushes, who think that toothbrushes will be better at cleaning their teeth, while in reality, much cheaper traditional toothbrushes can do the job well, noted the summary of the report. Dr.
It turns out that there is a mixed marriage in Harms ---
She uses a manual toothbrush, while her husband swears with an expensive electric toothbrush.
No matter what the Advertiser says, there is no toothbrush to clip between the teeth, which is why dental floss is necessary (
Not just a day or two before a dental visit, I know to do the same).
One area that seems to have real innovation is clean products.
For example, Johnson & Johnson provides Reach Access floats for adults and wild floats for children.
Wild floats are thin plastic dinosaurs
The shape of the bracket has a dental floss in the mouth of the animal.
Disposable dental floss is easier to hold and manipulate than regular dental floss.
Now, of course, there's an electric dental floss.
To meet the obvious needs of cleaning teeth anytime, anywhere, mouth-
Gillette's B has launched a brush-
Ups is a "textured teeth wipes", slipped on your fingers and ran a lap on your teeth.
One of the product reviews on Amazon.
Com noticed the commenter and her 9-year-
The old couple used it after eating McDonald's.
"My son thought it was really great to see the food particles that came off his teeth," the commenter wrote . ". Dr.
All of these concerns about dental care are positive because it encourages people to take better care of their teeth, Harms said.
But there are so many good things.
She said, for example, that the Meilan contains bleach and must be used as stated.
"Some people feel that their teeth can't be too white, so they use too much, which can damage the enamel . "Harms said. Ms.
Dawson, a dental therapist, said that it is believed that beauty can do wonders.
"It doesn't work for coffee stains and other types of stains," she said . ".
"Be sure to clean your teeth correctly before using the beauty salon.
"Also, those with teeth --
Colored crowns, hats, or fillers should be remembered that they will not be bleached by the beauty.
Be careful if the user has a history of tooth sensitivity.
Ladies, this product can enter the gum line and affect the root surfaceDawson said.
So we have electric toothbrushes, flavored toothpaste, floss, mezzo and mouthwash.
We don't have any toothbrushes that can sing yet.
Next year, Hasbro will launch a toothbrush with a micro-chip to play from well-
Known record stars
Sure, there used to be toothbrushes that played music, but they were like Victrola on the iPod.
When you press the toothbrush on the teeth, it starts to play and transmits the sound waves to the teeth and jaw through the bristles, directly to the inside of the ear.
Two minutes for each song. -
Amazing brushing time
Music toothbrush is a great improvement in dental care.
But why not combine the two modern ideas?
I think the next big revolution should be a toothbrush, it can also make youmail.
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A version of this article was printed on page C00006 of the National edition on August 6, 2005, with the title: personal business: shortcuts;
Smile, you are in the dental care Channel.
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