slavery in cocoa fields: a horrible ‘normal’ - where to buy car air purifiers

by:Yovog     2021-06-06
slavery in cocoa fields: a horrible ‘normal’  -  where to buy car air purifiers
CNN's David McKenzie went deep into the heart of Ivory Coast in "children's slaves of chocolate" to investigate children working in cocoa fields. (
More information and broadcast time from CNN International. )
CNNThe Freedom Project wants our team to answer a question: has this commitment been fulfilled ten years after all the major players in the chocolate industry promised to end trafficking and child labor in Ivory Coast?
This is what we found ourselves, four journalists and a driver, crammed into a silver SUV, driving towards Daloa, behind the already faded luxury City of Abilene
The market town turned into bushes and the traffic became more and more crowded as we worked hard.
We started talking about shooting.
This is a discussion among all journalists on a long trip.
We have a lot of time to kill.
How do we find what we're looking?
Have we done all our homework?
What if it rains all day?
Did you bring mosquito repellent?
Have you eaten the bushes and mice they sell on the side of the road?
We were all a little nervous.
It's not about Bush's mouse, it's about this story.
We did our homework.
Everything we read from the government, the United Nations, and chocolate companies emphasizes one thing: stay away.
The chocolate company has specifically repeated how remote thousands of cocoa farms are.
They say this makes it very difficult to end child labor and trafficking.
This makes it difficult to find victims of human trafficking, they say.
It's just, uh, hard.
So we set off on the first day of filming and didn't know what to find.
The asphalt road has become a dirt road leading to the sidewalk.
On the second farm we visited on our first day of filming, we found abducted children.
Let's call them slaves.
They said they brought it from bukinah Faso and they could not leave their farm and were not paid.
We went through a lot of difficult shooting, but it was not difficult to find a child slave on our first day.
Then we asked ourselves, "Why is it so easy?
"We don't have the support of the United States. S.
Congress of billions
The dollar chocolate industry or the government of Côte d'Ivoire.
We only had four reporters and a car.
But all the farmers we met said no one went to visit them and told them to stop using child labor. (
A recent report on the agreement in Taran said that 97% of the farms had not yet been reached. )
Several government and industry activists responsible for stopping trafficking in children said they had recently visited the region.
Not where we have been.
Human trafficking in Daloa is easy to find.
This is part of life in this area.
It's normal now.
The word "normal" is a terrible way to describe trafficking in children, but we are shocked at how normal all this has become.
Abdul has been working in this field for three years. He is 10.
He was sold from a neighboring farm.
He could not leave the farm, go to school, and be paid.
Abdul was a child slave. His white T-
The back of the shirt has more holes than the actual cotton cloth.
Due to hard work, his arm developed abnormally at his age.
But Abdul knows nothing.
This is the life here. It is normal.
Sometimes, when you come back from the shoot, even when you are in the shoot, it hits how terrible you are: the face of fear and pain.
Painful words.
Slavery in the cocoa field is different.
The children we interviewed in Ivory Coast were not upset.
They were not locked up.
These kids don't know anything else.
They don't know what freedom is, they can't even imagine it.
They are submissive to their own destiny, for this is the case here for them.
Slavery is normal in the Ivory Coast cocoa fields. It’s routine.
And it's easy to find.
-More about the labor cost of chocolate-how can you help as a consumer?
-Response from the chocolate industry-there is nothing sacred about all the stories from "children's slaves of Chocolate.
Executives are all the same. Greedy.
It turns out that we can't even eat a piece of chocolate because the rich executives are slaves to the children.
Now, look at all the wealthy executives hiring PR people and lie to us that they don't know what's going on.
We have entered the "corporate era" of history ".
Not sure how it will end, but I doubt it will get bloody once the world wakes up.
After all, Riiight had no slavery before capitalism, and certainly no slavery in countries like China or North Korea.
You see, capitalism doesn't need slavery, don't drag out the favorite scapegoat on the left.
If the Ivory Coast government simply enforced its own laws and ended slavery within its own borders, capitalism and chocolate companies would do a good job, thanks.
Stanley bin, I would like to ask you, is there child slavery because excessive regulation and taxes prevent companies like Nestle and Wal-Mart from making in the United States? ?
I tend to disagree with that and say companies like Nestlé and Wal-Mart want to maximize profits in the modern system of artificial capitalism.
Your right, those governments should enforce child slavery laws.
However, consumers (
Participants who do not know)
And the company (Slave Owners)
Forgive and use child slavery and human trafficking to meet the low prices of buyers, and another source of profit for companies whose whereabouts the US government is missing, as we do not have jurisdiction in Ivory Coast.
By 2100 we will kill all the marine life that continues along this path, ladies and gentlemen Stanley. U r so right! !
North Korea and China do the same every day.
Why can't we?
This is a better country than other countries, right?
Just a question, when do you go to China and North Korea to verify like these journalists?
But you agree it's slavery, is that right?
Should the company receiving the goods from such a place stop?
It's too bad. These people don't try to get rich like the CEO, do they?
No slavery before capitalism? What?
How did these pyramids be built in Egypt?
Before the fall of Rome, it was full of vitality.
Have you read history books in your life? Wake up!
The problem is not capitalism.
The problem is greed and people don't want to do anything but complain and groan.
So, please think about it before you post.
Not so good for you.
Calcium will be depleted by acid.
Chinese executives in particular.
Do you know that the blood diamond is replaced by a mobile phone mineral?
Guess where they were made? China.
Guess who bought them. they sold ak-
For children on both sides of the conflict, the 47-year-old is to make sure they can raid and take away minerals: China.
The same garbage, different days.
You Westerners are really shameful. . .
They still think you can steal from Africa without giving back to Africa.
Europe is the first choice for chocolate, and still refuses Africa's better life in terms of immigration, why everything they use in developing the economy there comes from the same Africa, they all refuse to solve problems better in Europe.
One day God will open the eyes of Africa and it will be a bloody war. .
All greedy people are ashamed. .
I'm sorry you feel this way about the West.
Some are taken for granted, but many of us want the world to change.
We Westerners are also stuck in a system that we don't like, but we haven't found a better way yet.
One day, I hope people can learn to be less greedy.
This will make the world a better place.
I hope Africans don't live like we Westerners do.
We have a lot of things, but few people are really happy.
Oh, let me take a break.
Colonial garbage, because if Africa is raped, its greedy African leaders will allow this to happen in the first place.
Why don't you point the pitchforks to them as well?
When China handed over millions of small arms and related ammunition to warlords in exchange for precious minerals, why blame the West?
And the gun used to kill African villages? Grow up.
People like to complain that the early days of modern slavery were entirely Western mistakes, when African warlords and tribal elders sold slaves to them. Idiot.
The West has invested billions of dollars in aid to Africa.
Africa is Africa's biggest enemy.
A lot of my tax money goes to Africa.
Billions a year.
We give them more than we get.
By the way, there is almost nothing.
Good luck to you.
Go back and leave Austria.
How dishonest they are to survive under the mercy of the West.
You idiots don't seem to understand because their parents don't care about them or these children will starve to death.
Do you mean that if they do not get the care of the benevolent slave owners, they will starve to death?
You're right, we're all just a bunch of idiots and it's great that as long as the product is produced as cheaply as possible, the company doesn't care where their product comes from.
Go for a ride and blow some Bill O'Reilly and veer off the cliff and you're really doing something too.
Children live in poverty in 3rd world countries because their parents don't care about them.
You should run for public office.
At least Massa feeds them.
Parents are too busy to take care of their children.
Hey Roberto, I hope you are one of those children slaves who make a living by picking Coca, at least you will keep your $ h!
Tforbrains said to himself, help all of us now and suffocate some of your idiot kisses!
Yes, shirking responsibility. you are an idiot who eats these things. you are a fat pig.
Has nothing to do with the company.
Give me a brain, please.
Friends from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other countries always seem to be on such a thing.
Do you all realize that there is a simple solution to this problem?
Buy chocolate from manufacturers whose chocolate is certified as fair trade and free child labor.
There are many organizations doing this, and coffee is the same.
As long as consumers continue to buy chocolate from people like Hershey or Nestle or any other big name, you create a market for chocolate produced by child labor.
Don't go to Wal-Mart or other big chains.
The chocolate I bought was produced by local companies that sourced materials from certified farms around the world, farms that pay fair wages.
Is it a little expensive? ? Yes!
But if money prevents you from looking for and buying chocolate that has already been shown not to use child labor, then you are as bad as the CEO and they will continue to let this happen as long as you keep buying.
Not so good for you.
It interferes with the absorption of calcium.
Some people say that if you eat chocolate with sugar, sugar absorbs calcium faster than acid.
Kim Gassiot/Yes! yeah! yeah!
Maren is beautiful.
I mean atuacl kids and names! ).
It's crazy, she doesn't look like a Canadian!
Please hug her, kiss her and tell her all the people in Texas who love her and they will pray for her and can't wait to see her.
You're a rock star!
I can't believe how fast it all is!
We love you so much!
Kenny, Kim, Jonah, Sydney and baby Ian capitalism have lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese from povery, who has lifted much of Asia out of poverty in just a few decades.
Capitalism is to maximize profits and reward those who provide "people (consumers)
Want, for the well
The existence of consumers, businesses and the world as a whole.
This is actually the only way to continuously improve living standards and human development.
Natural systems imitate nature and evolution.
"Greed" in the right context "(business)
Good for the benefit of mankind.
Capitalism should operate within the legal framework of controlling and punishing abuse.
The mobs operate in all political systems, as do the abusive and the unconscionable.
For the benefit of good businesses and consumers, the law should take care of these people and prevent inappropriate behavior.
Any system that fails in the legal system will see drawbacks, whether capitalist or not.
The main problem is that business is international and the legal system is local.
That's why companies dump garbage and poison and abuse labor in countries with inadequate control and legal systems.
In this regard, a functional legal framework is required for any system.
I agree, but the implementation of any law usually costs money, who will pay for it?
Unless sanctions are more harmful than the law provides, the poor who have no say.
Child protection also requires money, their parents don't, and no one is willing to Zaidi, they will launch a campaign to all my friends and all those who are willing to listen, stop eating chocolate and stop on cocoa powder.
It's not hard to do this!
I don't eat chocolate anymore!
Greed is more than just executives.
First of all, you are the consumer of chocolate!
Only consumers can change this.
If you don't want child labor to help reduce the price of chocolate bars, you 'd better tell the chocolate manufacturer!
I prefer chocolate since I read this article.
I thank these young boys for having jobs and places to live and eat.
Otherwise, they will go hungry in many cases.
They are not slaves according to this story!
After reading more reviews I had to go out and buy a big bag of dark chocolate!
Delicious and healthy!
In this matter, when these boys get employment, food, clothes, accommodation and education, no one will intimidate me, not starve to death if they stay at home.
Also, there doesn't seem to be any cruel behavior and their work is voluntary!
The Almighty profit is always king!
Because these villains bought everyone out.
Ask the children where they come from and what life would look like if they were at home.
I guess you will hear that their family is unable to feed them at home.
Their lives as "slaves" may be better than at home.
In fact, there are a lot of children in the history of the United States who do not go to school, so they can help at the family farm.
They can't leave.
They were not paid.
It's the only life they know.
I don't call them slaves.
Best answer, were you born in a stupid place?
Everyone should have the freedom to choose.
Why don't you go instead of the kids and see how much you like it?
I rarely write, but I am disgusted with the CNN free program.
The JTC is absolutely right.
If you deny that these children are at least likely to do the job, you may deprive them of the opportunity to eat and live, even though it is terrible.
What alternatives will CNN offer these children once their work stops?
Will CNN take care of them or even care about them?
I saw a $80,000 SUV that fed reporters took to this filthy poor farm where people were trying to eat at least enough.
It is shocking to see such wealth being used to deprive the poorest of the poor of access to adequate food.
It makes sense, I'm sure, but CNN doesn't know, I think it does more harm than good.
Free or free live DOT org/About DOT html they may not even know what is wrong with them and they may not have the chance to do anything else!
This is a violation of their human rights! DAY AFTER DAY. . .
You can choose what to do in your life!
They cannot say that they have lost their freedom.
I will respond the same way I do with the JTC-maybe you should go and replace the two kids there and see how much you like it. Oh MY GOSH.
I just tried to climb the screen.
Oh, these look beautiful.
They also aroused good memories.
My first job was at Sanders ice cream shop.
They offer delicious ice cream puffs and rich dark chocolate, not as much dark chocolate as it was today 45 years ago.
The joy of serving them and the hospitality of eating them.
Thank you for bringing it back.
The food is good in many ways.
JTC, you are 100% correct!
Your brain is more powerful than CNN!
How unfair and cruel! ! !
I hope some organizations can help these children. after all, they are children. I will definitely let my children know how lucky they are.
My 10-year-old son has planned to go to Somalia for selfless service when he grows up, and it's still a long time.
The children will pray for me.
Now you know it's been happening.
These children live in a Stone Age culture and we forget to remember this simple fact, which is why there is so much sadness in the Middle East because we are not aware of the development of their culture.
These are primitive cultures. they are different worlds from ours.
I will still buy chocolate because these kids will go to another "industry" if you don't do it and may not be very kind to kids.
They may be sent far away to fight.
If the industry disappears together now, they may starve to death and disappear, don't they?
Not just culture.
It is an incredible insult to call their culture "primitive" or "stone age.
If they had a chance like you and me, they would certainly have caught it, but unfortunately it's just another example of the first world over-using capitalism for Africa.
Due to a problem dating back to the European colonial regime, Africans have become satellite or peripheral staff in their own homes, accounting for only part of what they plant every day.
Africa is not "primitive" because its culture is not advanced, but because of the continuous development hundreds of years ago. (
For more information on what I said, please refer to Walter Rodney's how Europe is less developed Africa)
I'm sorry, it's this mindset that shows up in your response, and that's why nothing has been done.
Everything will not change unless we are willing to spend a dollar on chocolate or protest against it. p.
Our grief over the Middle East has nothing to do with our failure to recognize that they are a "smaller" culture.
If there is any problem, it is the view of condescending.
Brainless, pure brainless.
You try to blame this on capitalism as if there would be no victims in another form of government or economy.
Capitalism does not require countries like Ivory Coast to allow this terrible act to happen within their borders.
I note you don't mind mentioning the country and its failure to end slavery within its own borders.
Oh, no, that's not true. let's blame capitalism. Pathetic.
Using the truth is not insulting.
However, it is insulting that these African people still do not figure out what freedom is and how to build a governing body that allows people to prosper.
They still kill each other in the tribal war and enslave captured people.
Give me a name if you can.
Where is a modern African country without Western intervention and assistance? ? ?
What happens if the capitalist company stops exploiting these poor children? ?
Unfortunately, they may starve to death because their government will not take care of them and then they will be placed in the shelter and then the Capilist Legion.
Before some terroist groups arrive and turn them into slaves to become sukod bombers, they have to provide food for the setup in the camp.
Instead of forcing companies, it's better to pay a little for their work and educate them in school
Stop buying their products
I don't want to say that, but this is the result of capitalist abuse.
No other argument or opinion will change the mind of a smart person.
This is what I call flawed reasoning.
"I support the murder of 10-year-old children at gunpoint, because if we don't kill them that way, they may die in a more painful way.
"I agree with this culture.
They work for food and shelter.
It is absolutely terrible, but to be honest I will not call it slavery.
This is a very poor society where no one can change it or enforce our standards in their way of life.
It just doesn't work.
If you look at the Great Depression, the kids do the work you can't imagine.
My own grandfather was accused of lighting a gas light on the streets of Philadelphia at the age of 10.
OMG, if you do this today, you will go to jail for child labor laws.
Some societies are too harsh on their children and some are too soft!
They were paid for food and shelter, but what a sad way to grow up for a child.
How does their dormitory look?
Do they have free time to take a shower and play games?
Do they have fresh clothes, water, fruit, meat and vegetables?
The story is not deep enough.
What this article lacks is all the names of Western chocolate companies that do business with these farms. . .
They told me all about it.
I would like to know if those who contributed to the paedophile sandarski group are on the list as well?
Let the chocolate company go out of business so that the fat cats will not have a good salary.
It doesn't matter, who knows how many people will lose their jobs because of this, just to let us find the rich man.
When we are doing this, let's send $1 trillion to that dirty stone age country to study the idea.
China will definitely lend it to us.
I guess Michelle Obama missed this place on a trip to Africa.
If it doesn't help, Barrack could fly some drone planes to bomb the traffickers.
Let's try to make everyone in the world like us.
Better yet, let's follow Obama and bring us down to the level of others.
Laugh at this when you eat chocolate bars! Fools!
Thanks to CNN for attracting the world's attention to the unknown type of slavery.
I'm sad to see these kids working like slaves.
However, this is the failure of the government of Côte d'Ivoire.
They should protect their people from being exposed.
Secondly, the people of Côte d'Ivoire should choose their government wisely next time.
No one can blame!
But the corrupt government of Côte d'Ivoire. . . . Now. . . .
Chocolate manager Je veux. . . au-
Revoir, Mores, sadly, did not say how almost every industry in Africa was built on slavery.
It is very sad that God helps these children and their parents cannot take care of them. I find that the responders here want to blame the chocolate company and have nothing to say about the government in Ivory Coast.
Who will enforce the laws of a country?
The first and the last is the country.
It can actually teach us something that they don't get the allowance.
Mom and Dad don't pay for credit card bills there.
Mobile phones and spending money do not exist for them.
Protest, camping on Wall Street with your burbury scarf and mug doesn't work for them.
These children go to work in the fields every day because their families need to eat and they need food to survive.
Because their day is long, there are no workers complainingC.
It's in my office today or I have to walk to work. omg!
They don't complain about menstruation, no clothes, bad weather, no shoes, muscle pain, bleeding in their feet, but they do it because it's not about them, it's about their families and what they can do to help them.
So the next time you're talking about capitalism and the CEO, realize that the motivation for these kids to do things is because they want to help their family, and that your motivation to pursue big boys is because it looks unfair, but you won't do it in a minute.
You won't change positions for a second.
In fact, these children do what they do because they will be defeated if they do not.
They don't support their families.
Most of them do not have a family, which is why they are eventually trafficked, or they are sold by a guardian.
There's a problem with your logic.
Your reasoning is that people shouldn't complain when others are worse.
People should be content with their pain because others are worse.
But when people are not satisfied, they should complain, because it is the will of the people and their discontent, which ultimately forces the society to adopt a higher standard of living.
You may also be confused by discontent.
One can be grateful for what they have, and dissatisfied with what they don't have.
But in terms of all the terrible things in life, a mindset like you helps to carry it on.
I think you should ask yourself, why are you so opposed to improving the world?
It is possible for any of you to stop this slavery-stop buying chocolate! I know I will.
No, you won't, maybe you won't today, but you and others will continue to buy and consume chocolate.
How can these people control what is happening in their country is our problem?
Why do we feel guilty about this?
It is sad that the government has not punished adults for using their children to work. Adults are also exploited and do not receive a fair wage for violating physical labor.
Farmers can hardly support themselves and their families.
It's a pity that the big chocolate company has been doing this for decades.
Nestle, Kraft, good times, you're a shame.
As a consumer, I won't buy any more products from these companies, and even if they finally take action on it now, I won't support these big companies any more.
@ Victoria Panetti, shame on the government of Côte d'Ivoire!
They bear full responsibility for the suffering people.
FYI, the company is to make as much profit as possible.
So they can compete with others and they can grow.
The people who take care of them are the governors of Côte d'Ivoire.
I'm sure this corrupt government doesn't know, but they are busy drinking champaigne, eating chocolate and relaxing in luxurious houses.
The name of the child is Abdul, which shows everything.
Take an inverted tribe of Africans. .
Mixed with post-tribal religions and Muslims. . .
What did you get?
Chocolate slave, no pun intended.
Yes-I was there in my 70 s and 80 s and nothing changed-90% of African slaves never arrived in the United States, but we all felt guilty and self-blame.
Britain and the United States ended the process.
Muslims always slaves women, pagans and children.
Their religion is about domination and oppression, when you delve into the fundamentals that it is wrong.
Nothing will change-it's our business anyway.
We can no longer solve the problems in the world.
No one cares what we think anyway-what's wrong with you, you don't know how to make chocolate yourself, I mean, come on, it's not hard for you to have children.
For several years, I have been trying to buy goods as fairly as possible and educate myself from my product source.
This is a difficult task.
I'm curious if anyone knows anything that is reputable and comprehensive
Trying to figure out the ish resources for all this?
Interestingly, how many posters are prepared to blame the notorious "1%" for child slavery ".
It's like Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain accused a left-leaning gay man of being rash on media headlines.
The mass consumption of chocolate and news, the chocolate industry and the news industry are at our request.
If we insist on moralitysourced goods (
Whether it's chocolate, coffee, underwear or oil)
We can have them.
We just have to pay for them.
Child labor is cheap and cheap, not because of te CEO greed, but because of our greed.
We don't want $10 chocolate bars.
Interestingly, there is no reply because you are completely correct. Agreed.
It won't even be $10. . .
The price difference is probably only one dollar a column at most.
It is true.
Sadly, people are rarely attracted to a simple and clear fact because they cannot argue with it.
I want to figure out why CNN has been pushing the agenda of capitalism and corporate evil.
Hey CNN, that's the way chocolate buyers are & if "chocolate" chocolate farmers get together and work together they can set a fair price, but I promise that they will still use the lives of children slave humans to make no sense to them & it's not the buyer's fault or their problem.
So, since no one cares, please save your shocked and pretty judgment BS.
Dear David, I know your concern.
You did a very good job.
But the root cause of child labor in Africa is poverty.
You must live to go to school.
You have to eat to live.
No one gives you food because your parents are not around or they are poor.
Therefore, as an African and an experienced person who has experienced this life, all Africans must unite to end poverty.
This is the solution.
Forget about the selfish chocolate industry. . . . .
The chocolate company should be personally involved in the fight, not the government of Ghana and Ivory Coast.
So far, the problem has not been seen by people who actually consume products.
I believe that change needs to start with awareness, such as this project.
However, if companies such as Nestle or Hershey are not even honest with their statements, the issue will not disappear.
Industry participants must demonstrate deeper commitment by providing some schools and other support systems. The company owner and industry head don't care about child labor.
You can't bite your hand to feed.
They are not interested.
Children work for free so farmers can meet the output, but there is no need for them to make enough profits.
They are at the low end of the food production chain.
How much does the company boss pay for cocoa?
How much money do they make? A lot.
They get more than they spend, and that's not the case if they use the appropriate labor force and increase production costs.
Welcome to the capitalist world.
It is very sad to see that few people are willing to stop these crazy activities.
The problem is that these big chocolate makers are so greedy that they use Africa to make themselves bigger, and poor kids don't even know that chocolate looks like Ghanaian and CNN, please don't give up on this project
The lives of these innocent children are in your hands.
Please help them.
I believe it's time for our consumers to take responsibility for what we buy.
I believe we just decided to close our eyes and continue our lives.
Most sadly, most children in Ivory Coast and neighboring countries have tasted chocolate.
I think CNN is doing a good job on this project.
But as far as African countries are concerned, child labor runs through every aspect of life.
As an investigative journalist, sometimes it is a tricky thing to let children from poor families starve, or to stay out of school, or to have them work on a farm and get daily bread, pay for primary education.
For children injured in this cross fire, what advice do you have on the way forward.
I saw the kids in Ghana selling sachets of water and at a glance I said it was too bad, but second look, dress him when considering this is the food on his desk, or pay for tuition, which looks like the best of the two evils.
Raymond Archer, the most terrible thing I 've read here so far.
After some research on the Internet and the library, I conclude that the child slaves covered in this article may be lucky enough to be able to work and earn food, avoiding hunger in many cases.
Some of the main public figures and children in Ivory Coast have gone through the same process.
This is their culture. let them handle it!
Often, slave children are not able to go to school and slave owners provide them with some limited education in some cases.
Considering my research, even though I don't need or want chocolate, I bought it extra.
I won't be a member of the news agency. led boycott!
I had a variety of etiropn bars on the market for over 15 years.
The ThinkThin Chunky peanut butter stick tastes the best and has a great texture that will fill me up when I need it.
I highly recommend them.
I buy them with boxes and if I can find a place I can get them with a bigger discount. -
Giuliani was not able to get the email link for the mayelders store notes properly, and I was not able to get the files from your web profile.
Can you send me a copy of the PDF file?
Thank you very much.
Dana Young732 Ashley Lane nethooper, ND 58278 there is a difference between child labor and child labor.
The article is about children kidnapped and forced to work on cocoa plantations.
You Westerners are really shameful. . .
They still think you can steal from Africa without giving back to Africa.
Europe is the first choice for chocolate, and still refuses Africa's better life in terms of immigration, why everything they use in developing the economy there comes from the same Africa, they all refuse to solve problems better in Europe.
One day God will open the eyes of Africa and it will be a bloody war. .
All greedy people are ashamed. .
If they had a way, they would take any resources from Africa and not return them.
Fair trade with African people does not exist there.
They took our money from us. . . .
As a person living in Ghana, I ask you again to consider: if there is no market for cocoa, what is filling the economic gap in poor countries like Ghana or Côte d'Ivoire?
What can Ghana export if cocoa exports do not have funds to enter the economy?
All countries need to implement laws relating to child labor and trafficking in children.
But it's beyond your imagination to cut off the destruction of the cocoa market to the country.
There are only a few products produced or planted here, and the rest of the world attaches great importance to purchasing these products every year, thus contributing to the economic stability of the country.
Buy chocolate made in Ghana, golden tree, or buy sacred chocolate made from fair trade cocoa from Ghana's cooperative cocoa farm.
Don't resist all chocolate.
You think you hurt some multinationals, but you actually hurt cocoa farmers.
The whole of Africa is a slave enclave.
The chocolate company is not producing chocolate, but in the country where chocolate is produced.
You recognized Abdul, showed him his face, and gave him a name.
The question is, does the government of Côte d'Ivoire have a record of Abdel?
Jesus Christ was registered in his government before 2011, but today no African government knows the use of the human database.
Abdul is just an unknown data.
When the government of Côte d'Ivoire does not know the existence of Abdul, how to provide him with health, welfare education, etc.
This is true for all African countries.
Turn on your TV in Europe and you tell you about the things that Amina, Sedo, etc are suffering in Africa and ask for your penny to save her.
The governments of these countries know nothing about the existence of these people, so no matter how much you know about these countries, you will not help these people.
All you have to do is punish Nstle etc, reduce chocolate consumption, lead to layoffs and unemployment, lead to a recession and bring more problems to Abdul.
Let the African government watch the movie Eagle Eye and inspire their imagination. as consumers, we should take responsibility for our buying behavior --
It seems much easier to ignore the reality of those who help us balance the quality of life --
Unfortunately, children at coca farms in Ivory Coast and neighboring countries sometimes never even tested chocolate.
Because of our eating habits, we have come up with all the statistics about obesity in the Western world.
Companies involved in production must have an obligation to contribute to the situation of those working on these farms-but we must also act as responsible consumers.
This is the same article that was being hosted yesterday.
Do you have my name on some sort of review list?
I have not violated the terms of the service agreement at all.
Obviously CNN wants freedom of speech, but no one else is allowed to practice it.
Pay more for the products of cocao farmers.
Adults are also being exploited!
Not only children's slaves.
Pay more wages to foreign workers!
If the price of chocolate goes up, that's it.
Eating is a luxury and unnecessary.
Companies like Nestlé and Hershey have made this happen for decades and shame you.
They knew what was going on and the media again revealed the crimes of big companies. Thanks CNN.
If it is OK to hire illegal immigrants here for a lower price, then I like to buy chocolate at a lower price, thank you for playing vicki.
Unfortunately, this is an issue that will not attract significant attention because economics does not approve of doing so.
I have to, I have to only buy chocolate with label of unpicked cocoa beans. I'm from Seoul.
In 2002, when I was studying for a postgraduate course at Oxford University in the UK, I took part in this topic discussion (
I would rather call it a heated debate)
There are many professors from Oxford, visiting professors from the United States and South Africa.
The South African guest professor revealed the development of Nestlé in Fort John.
However, many British professors
Including St. 's transactions
Peter College, Oxford University)
Professor of America (
Excluding Alan Lugman, then the only regional Professor at Oxford University.
Honorary professor Indiana)
Professionals who claim that the American Peace Association/Britannia and globalization are only trying to prove that this result is a secondary "occurrence ".
It's shameful to see how the world's top intellectuals can teach future global leaders in their MBA program how to become imperial masters to exploit the hopeless children of Third World countries.
Ironically, recalling that it was 2002, when the United States was at the forefront of the economic crisis, I can understand that they gave up their humanity in order to survive.
I like chocolate, and the industry doesn't care at all. Poor children.
Welcome to Africa, Africa.
Africa's problems do not require an African solution.
Otherwise Africa will collapse.
It keeps them off the street. . . . . . . .
So you say tip is a bad culture, please let me ask you, if you go and see the men and women who watch these slaves work, do you think they would be a shirt more than a cotton hole?
If they work for food and shelter, would you ask yourself if they are getting proper nutrition?
This is terrible, I will consider slavery! ! ! it's not right!
I understand why we can eat chocolate for very little money.
The reason is the child slavery system.
The cost of chocolate does not include the cost of children's slaves.
After all, is poverty in Africa the cause?
The next time you eat a chocolate bar, or add some chocolate syrup to your milk, think about who is harvesting such a big cocoa --
Wig companies like Hershey and Nestle can profit from Candy, which actually costs less than 50 cents.
It is these greedy giants who extend the slave system by doing nothing, acting as if slaves did not exist;
They just look at it differently.
There are some chocolate brands here that are fair trade ~ Kbranson/stopchocolateslavery/goodchocolatproducts. html.
We see freedom as the cornerstone of life.
But in that country, in that economy, what else can these people do to earn food and shelter if we don't buy cocoa?
What worse slaves could they be sold?
If sectarian killings or worse, isn't that any better than using them on the streets of dirty and harsh cities or in war?
Who is offering them free of charge and educating them free of charge?
We hate slavery very much, but there are no simple solutions in some places. amazin vid.
I think when you realize that your time is the most important thing you do for America
We all have to understand that time is not endless. we don't need someone to tell us that the end of life is coming. I love Beanie ?
He looks calm-a cat who loves Christmas is a happy cat!
The photos of the old buildings are great-I love the old buildings with history behind them!
Great, it's still standing, and the arrow pointing to OH/Portmouth is drawn on it.
Great photos and great work!
Good luck with the rest of the weeks!
I really enjoyed 365 projects for everyone.
Now, I hope I can start once last weekend too! ?
Jane, cream puffs look really old.
You can bring back the time dessert of delicious meromies.
One question: where is Sanders ice cream shop?
I am addicted to ice cream and always look for places to serve homemade ice cream when traveling.
It's always a pleasure to hear from you, Jane.
There was a young child on the coast who boasted that he could make the most money from the crew who kept crying for the stories he kept telling, when he knew there was a check there, when the promise was followed, the promise of the big business eroded the profit?
Capitalism is a good economic system. unregulated capitalism is a curse.
We need a democratically elected government to strictly regulate our capitalist economy so that it can bring the greatest benefits to all the people.
Hello, My name is Li, I am 34 years old, and I am the owner of the Dallas Moving Company element moving and warehousing.
This is the first time in my life to write a comment.
I am not sure whether it is happiness or sadness, I think I will go with happiness.
Four journalists found out and published this terrible story to the world, telling a story about a child in a children's home being a slave, sorry, I can't imagine my son or daughter being a slave.
I hope and believe that this story will help all of us ask where we came from.
We are against cocoa slaves! ! !
What can we do to help them? This is awful.
Can anyone help these kids? . . Believe you me;
I will if I have enough money and resources. . .
My heart is open to each of them. . .
I rarely write, but I am disgusted with the CNN free program.
If you deny that these children are at least likely to do the job, you may deprive them of the opportunity to eat and live, even though it is terrible.
What alternatives will CNN offer these children once their work stops?
Will CNN take care of them or even care about them?
I saw an SUV worth $80,000 and fed reporters took it to this filthy poor farm where people tried to earn at least enough money to eat.
It is shocking to see such wealth being used to deprive the poorest of the poor of access to adequate food.
It makes sense, I'm sure, but CNN doesn't know, I think it does more harm than good.
Those who complain that chocolate is richer on cocoa farms than on their parents are only for financial reasons.
The truth of the matter is that these children are victims of the conspiracy of btn Western chocolate companies and some of the rogue elements of the Ivory Coast government, whose purpose is to keep the labor costs minimal.
One day, Africa will rise up and kick the blood-sucking people out of hell.
Long live African children. .
I have a lot of discussion about the world, which is unfair.
Do these people believe in God?
I find it interesting for those who enjoy freedom. . .
Destroy it for others.
Love is the answer.
The love of Jesus.
Do you have enough love to print this? Jesus Is Lord .
The only answer to world questions
Both the Bible and the Quran supported slavery. If you're anti-
Then you are anti-slavery. Bible and anti-Qur'an.
It was before religion.
You might attribute one to the other.
The following post makes me sick
Everything about him.
Now he can't eat chocolate happily because he has money. Waa waa waaa.
Could be the loser who took Wall Street. ------
There is nothing sacred.
Executives are all the same. Greedy.
It turns out that we can't even eat a piece of chocolate because the rich executives are slaves to the children.
Now, look at all the wealthy executives hiring PR people and lie to us that they don't know what's going on.
Brownie also regrets this, but like Central American countries like Guatemala, the school holidays are also in December, when school children can help to harvest coffee, I also found out that it's like the kids are working in Bangladesh and our T-shirts are only 5 euros.
OK, so for these people, the better option is to starve to death or work in the field of cocaine, because in this cartel, atrocities will increase tenfold.
Every cry about how terrible this kind of thing is, but having these people feed themselves and eat on their stomachs is a viable financial option.
Rather, liberals would rather complain and take the work away so that they will be like Haitians because they have no work and nothing to do.
Wake up America and don't cry for such nonsense.
You will see clearly that cocoa is just a grain of sand in the game of slaves. . . . .
CNN my choice of news because its concept would serve our citizens better, listing every paysvale and age group involved in the manufacture of items consumed or used in the daily lives of American citizens.
Then it is clear to all the crying slave slaves. .
There is some form of slavery in the stone you throw. .
Please understand that no one on earth picks anything all day and goes home to watch his wife's children, pets and flat-screen TV. None.
They also have a family. .
In China, they have no teeth and walk for 5 cents limping.
15 cents in Poland
In Ecuador, you kick your pants at 2 p an hour. . right here.
Wal-Mart's minimum wage leaves you penniless before you get your salary. . . Yes. Yes. It's wrong. . . I myself. . . . A sinner like . .
I would rather have someone pay me to live in my own house. . .
But God wants me to keep my balance of payments with all my waking hours.
Cnn must have hit the head. .
I absolutely despise Newt Gingrich and have hope that he will never approach the White House.
Despite his knowledge and experience. .
Istiml I was surprised that the news option I was proud of would start with talking about his old Tomahawk claiming that he was asking for a public marriage.
It's none of my business. .
He already has three wives.
I don't care.
But CNN did help Newt.
They won with absolute lack of judgment. .
Yin made him sound good.
You're a shame. .
Stir up a cup of cocoa without giving it to the audience.
There are other things to compare.
Shame on your first question tuio Newt salamander. And shame o.
You took Burberry outside and forced me to change the channel for two hours. .
Because she's a little hard for men. .
Her nose and her brain are not my favorite cocoa.
Besides, I like everything else about your network. . .
Because I don't believe CNN has hln.
Push Nancy grace into the station of our family
I would rather choose cocoa, which is four-footed, than pay attention to the threat and her stupid Associates. . CNN. . . . .
I love you and will never leave the situation room with Nancy Grace and her stupid COBOLIts. This is not normal. This is terrible and sad. Of course, from the outside, it's a bit worse, how arrogant and rude it is if they want to be slaves without being paid under terrible conditions.
Do you call it normal when these children grow up and become a danger of violence, just everyday behavior? I will do this because it is the result of who cares?
"Slaves" do not know.
You know, if they do, journalists will be far more than playing it.
It's not our country, it's not our business.
Maximize support for the chocolate industry and its practices. I do.
The owners must be Republicans.
Republicans like slave labor.
They might have scared their spirits, and frankly I insulted them because from what point on they used normal words to describe slavery.
I don't eat chocolate. What's more unusual is what it is.
They may not even realize what is wrong with them and they may not have the chance to do anything else!
This is a violation of their human rights! Totally agree.
Will CNN feed all the kids working in the chocolate industry? How much did CNN contribute to the funding of these poor children?
At least they have a job and they are likely to feed the whole family no matter what they are paid.
Aren't you using children as slaves in cotton fields in the United States?
Who picks oranges and vegetables in the United States now?
Mexicans cross the border, and I bet some of them are under-age children . . . . . . .
Don't look overseas, but look at your own backyard and solve your own problems.
At the same time, I will continue to eat chocolate no matter who picks up cocoa. . . .
I have some. . . duhCul. . .
You can't judge those children by American standards.
If they don't work, they (
& Probably someone else in their house)dont eat.
People there don't have the luxury lifestyle we're used to & take it for granted.
When you said we used the situation, I said we gave them a way to eat.
When I read this blog, I don't have any guilt about eating chocolate.
SLAREVY is wrong.
Anywhere in the world.
But our idea here is not in line with the reality that they are there.
As the story shows, the capitalist system doesn't seem to work very well for everyone.
Capitalists will use any means available to make as much money as possible, no matter who has suffered the loss!
In other words, it seems that Ivory Coast is quite mature for a communist revolution, and soon!
Well, the people in SC are now voting for the presidential candidate (
Yes, the nut Greedgrich! )
Who has just said that we should relax our child labor laws and replace the doorman with 30 children who apparently only work for the United States (lol!
The mother doorman is laid off and the child who works.
Good idea to restart our economy for 30 cents/hour! ).
If this absurdity is raised and praised by the United States, the most complex and civilized country on this planet, what do we expect from the Ivory Coast?
I asked my son to dump the garbage once a week, so does this make the garbage company responsible for my lack of recycling?
It's simple to stop buying chocolate, anything made in any other country, maybe they will go bankrupt.
All shipping companies are doing this because they can get away with it.
What would be the difference if all Canadians only bought Canadian products, but that would never happen.
Corporate companies will always have the upper hand, and the government will always give everything for money.
Corrupt politics of greed and greed is the name of business and blame it on the economy. The government will always control the human race in Canada and the United States. Did we really end the Hitler regime or did they put him in place and we were all slaves to our government.
They control everything.
Ten years after CNN was founded, it has had to discuss child slavery in the cocoa industry, which has left the local government sorry to stop accusing consumers, the editor has been eating cooa since his life.
Can he deny that this was the first time he knew how chocolate was made and where the seeds came from?
If he thinks he does well, he can forget.
He does more harm than good to African people because he hurts the main presence of African families in the cocoa industry.
If he has something better to write, he has to follow the steps of the big entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey Ogani to help set up schools to educate American children.
Such news reports hurt the price of cocoa, but the main presence of vaccinated and responsible farmers in the industry.
P lease be careful with what you write, which may sound reasonable, but in the end it is useless for the person you want to help. *blaming.
Sorry for that little mistake.
Don't let it detract from the information. I have a dream.
I dream that one day black people around the world will be responsible for their own well-being-in Congo, toddlers are not raped, children who are not enslaved in the Ivory Coast, when gangs are dissolved, without driving.
Shooting in American cities
Unfortunately, this is just a dream.
Re: brutyre, stop being stupid, don't turn this article about slavery into a hate article about minorities, I have a dream using MLK, very racist, very insulting.
Sometimes the truth hurts. Why can't sub-
Do Sahara Africa take care of itself?
Read the dark star tour by Paul Thuru or Eddie L, a black writer.
Harris feels new to the lack of basic order in Africa, or Harris's still life in Harlem about the same problem with the United States.
In addition, take the initiative in the presidential election.
We're not going to elect a dictator.
PS-it's not perfect to generalize about black people because the vast majority of them are very cute people;
However, as a nation, both in the community and in the country, they fail over and over again to organize and improve where they gather. Good post.
Thank you for taking the time pbuild this information and facts, very helpful!
Still, I'm still waiting for you to come up with some fascinating ideas in your subsequent post, thanks. (
It is clear that the above information is still awaiting relaxation. . . )
This is the case with the United States under the leadership of Newt Gingrich.
Slavery of the lower class and different races. . .
Take a look at this article.
I sympathize with the children.
The government of the Ivory Coast should take action to end such cruelty.
What is it?
Good luck to everyone.
Why all the quarrels, calling names, hate each other as much, in the end, child slavery is wrong, there is nothing to prove it, even if they have no home, no food, they should not use it like this either, the world is always wrong, it has beauty, there are wonderful people, but it may also be painful and unfair, there are evil people, it will never change, it has evolved this way since the first day, it is terrible and should not happen, but it is that slavery has always been a social and economic issue.
In the 16 th and 17 th centuries, African warlords sold their holy things to slaves;
Pirates are only half the problem of transporting slaves to the United States.
It is said that Africans are favored by their skin color-they are identifiable.
The Ottoman Empire was not so discriminatory, it turned all into slaves.
During the Obama administration, when the Florida Gulf oil disaster occurred, there was a hidden slave state mentality in the United States.
Some people just like black things.
Chocolate is a basic nutrition and a very active world commodity.
If child labor is to be used, it must be done on a standardized basis-the child's Labor must be properly compensated.
Children working on cocoa plantations must have lived better than children miners who transported coal through tunnels in Britain in the 19 th century.
Coal was widely used to fuel military machines in the later World War. its over now.
But slavery still exists in Africa because of war funding.
Diamond trade is an example of this financing.
Only by eliminating the diamond trade itself can slavery related to the diamond trade be eliminated.
This is also an environmental problem-tearing the Earth apart for the sake of diamonds.
Chocolate is a reasonable commodity.
If African countries were able to adjust their economies to large-scale agriculture and agriculture, their economic and social conditions would all be improved.
People say he's a loving God.
If there is God, do you think he will let this happen?
I believe that God is the highest creator, but he is not God from a biblical point of view.
If there is God, it will not stand by and let this injustice happen because it is not our nanny.
We make mistakes because of greed and pride.
God let us fail because he knows we will succeed.
For us, the millennium is less than a second of eternity.
We are not yet mentally mature enough to understand what God means.
Articles in Bravo wood
I am from Colombia, where children are forced to engage in drug trade and armed guerrilla movements.
This is a very difficult situation, especially when it comes to a large amount of money.
Well, it's not a new thing in life because I 've been through this babaric treatment and I still need a sponsor until now.
Just found your website
I would like to sign up for your nweelettsr, but I am confused about the color of Las Vegas, Nevada.
We are warm now.
I transplanted a lot of things outside.
Please let me know what color you would suggest.
Happy Birthday to Youlate 30-
Looks like a wnuderfol birthday.
I did the same in December 29!
I had my eyebrows lined up, had a crumpled cloth, bought a new computer bag, etc. 2011-
Forward and up. Chris (
Start club from scratch)
It's like a chocolate factory in willinewangka.
I 've been wondering where they got umpa lumpas from.
Do you all realize that there is a simple solution to this problem?
Buy chocolate from manufacturers whose chocolate is certified as fair trade and free child labor.
There are many organizations doing this, and coffee is the same.
As long as consumers continue to buy chocolate from people like Hershey or Nestle or any other big name, you create a market for chocolate produced by child labor.
Don't go to Wal-Mart or other big chains.
The chocolate I bought was produced by local companies that sourced materials from certified farms around the world, farms that pay fair wages.
Is it a little expensive? ? Yes!
But if money prevents you from looking for and buying chocolate that has already been shown not to use child labor, then you are as bad as the CEO and they will continue to let this happen as long as you keep buying. Thank you!
Did Newt Gingrich get his child labor from cocoa growers.
At any time, someone takes away the freedom of others, which is slavery.
By definition, capitalism is at its most mature stage by putting all the labor on the back of the poor to make the rich richer.
Sounds like slavery to me.
Not slaves, but contractual slavery for life.
Nothing will change, nothing will change, nothing will change with all your stories.
Writing should be awkward for these stories that have never brought about change. . .
When you go to these remote places and do nothing, you are also responsible. CTV.
They will produce results! Learn from them.
I know that African cotton farmers cannot decide the price of cotton.
Is this the same for chocolate farmers?
Can they decide the price?
Thank you for your excellent work against the slavery of children.
Philip of Mauritius is very interesting, and the bloody trade in illegal drugs has not received much ethical benefits. I wonder why?
Congrats, France 2 did another very good 45 minute broadcast in this regard about a year ago.
I have one if you want.
I suggest that you contact the Ivorian ministries.
This change should come from the cost and industry of ivory, not from customers.
It's good to make people sensitive, but it doesn't help to make them feel guilty.
There are some fair-trade chocolates, especially those produced by Max havailer, not from Côte d'Ivoire, but mainly from the Caribbean.
When you talk to Ivorian officials, they think that the child's work is cultural, and they say it's a good thing for the children to work with their families in the wild.
Obviously, this is an excuse to explain and endure the situation.
In general, a large number of Ivorians have been working at the cocoa factory for a while, and some of them are now ministers, and it is difficult for them to change their mindset (i. e.
Current Minister of Justice).
If you ask someone else, you will find that the proportion is very high, if it is part of the culture of Côte d'Ivoire.
This should be changed.
Another reason is that it was purchased from farmers by "pisteurs", which means that the industry has no direct connection with farmers.
The latter was purchased from traders who brought cocoa to "pisteurs.
This arranged the industry and gave them an excuse.
They knew exactly what had happened.
The system should change.
First, the government should build the road to the farm.
This is one of the main reasons why farmers rely on "pisteurs.
Western countries can help build roads, but at the political level, priority should be given.
Cargill recently invested 1.
3 billion FCAF (3. 3 millions USD)
Train farmers, give them new plantations, etc.
But this does not include the elimination of child labor.
The purchase price will rise and the spot will not help.
Cargill also invested $1 billion in FCFA in 2008, so $1 million a year is peanuts.
If the farmer should hire 2 people (adults)
Produce 5 tons from outside and then he has to sell more expensive cocoa, but it is not possible because the price of the London Stock Exchange is fixed.
If the whole transaction is not followed, it is not separate (for a family)
It is possible to get out of this situation (vice).
It is possible to fix this system, but it should come from within, there is a project, a social project supported by traders, industry, and there needs to be political will.
Please contact me if you need more information.
Your blog is very interesting and insightful.
However, I doubt the ability of the London Stock Exchange to determine the price of cocoa!
Let's have some evidence on this issue!
What prevents chocolate manufacturers from buying directly from growers? ?
Hey, here's a suggestion: stop buying their products if you think it's morally objectionable.
We are supporters.
We pay for their products and keep the business running.
If you are boycut, they will close down and the slaves will be free.
Back to work, Koonta.
I need Mocha in the morning.
Interestingly, even in the picture above, all of these slave owners are black!
Some people will convince us that slavery was invented by white people!
As mentioned in the blog, slaves in China, ancient Rome and many other places are not black!
The only benefit is that these children are clearly fed to enable them to work.
This is another intervention by the West.
It's time for the West to clean up its own problems, and don't talk to others because of their way of life, how they manage these crop collections or their political actions, I'm American, cheap chocolate from birth.
Don't touch the chocolate industry.
Maybe we can send the student's children to Africa where they can learn how to pick cocoa.
If these are white blue
Eyes, blonde kids, I'm sure there will be a different feeling to study muffins.
But these are black children, and if they are not in the United States, we seem to have no problem with black slaves.
The velvet smooth dark cocoa made me happy because I wanted to know what was wrong with the Ivory Coast and what was right, breaking my dream of Wangka's smooth flowing chocolate stream has never seen young children force labor to harvest these golden monsters whose hearts were once so cold and their machetes cut deep, but it's just part of the emotional trauma that breaks my heart. Don't tell me truffles are made by not telling me in this way, t
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