sitting in traffic can damage your health the same as passively smoking 180 cigarettes every year - office air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-09-22
sitting in traffic can damage your health the same as passively smoking 180 cigarettes every year  -  office air purifier
Commuters who spend an hour in traffic every day have the risk of damaging their health, equivalent to passively smoking a few cigarettes a day.
It is revealed that air pollution in a congested car is 140 more serious than air pollution on a busy road.
Nine out of 10 Brits don't know in-
According to a new study by Airlabs, a maker of portable air purifiers, cars are contaminated.
People close also mistakenly believe that pollution is the highest when walking or cycling on busy roads.
Meanwhile, 25 drivers believe they don't need to worry about toxic smoke in the car.
More than a quarter of Britons actively avoided exposure to air pollution where they thought it was high, suggesting the importance of people breathing clean air.
More than half are also worried about the problem.
This will have a long-term impact on their health, but 40 people think they can't do anything about it. In-
Car purifiers can provide a solution to remove up to 95 hazardous gases from the cabin.
Airlab says it has created the first such portable purifier with a new "airbubbler" device.
The filter can be attached to the back of the headrest, which is unlikely to be affected by the rear passenger if the rear passenger is fastened with a seat belt.
Security standards company Thatcham Research has also conducted rear, side and front crash tests while the equipment straps remain intact.
Air filters are also installed in the car, however, this needs to be replaced regularly as it can capture harmful allergens and bacteria.
Marc Ottolini, CEO of clean air technology maker Airlabs, said: "Most people don't realize how polluted the air they breathe in their cars.
"The level of the vehicle may be several times higher than outside.
This is because the harmful gases in the exhaust gas can go directly through the car air filter and accumulate in the car, which poses a significant risk to health.
"We all know the risks of smoking and passive smoking, but many people don't realize that just sitting in the car can also cause serious damage to your health.
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