sick house syndrome - air purifier for allergies

by:Yovog     2020-08-15
sick house syndrome  -  air purifier for allergies
Sick House syndrome has nothing to do with how much you clean the house. Do you or your family suffer from sick house syndrome?
Mold, mites, bacteria, used smoke and pet dandruff are just a few common contaminants in the family.
Some homes and workplaces may have severe toxins lurking.
These toxins include formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, asbestos, lead dust, sulfur dioxide, radon gas and other pollutants.
These toxic substances can make you and your family sick.
1984 The World Health Organization has officially announced that indoor air pollution in homes and workplaces has caused the occupants of these buildings to become ill.
The disease is officially referred to as "disease building syndrome" or "disease building syndrome" and is officially classified as a very real disease.
It is estimated that up to 30% of all newly renovated or newly built homes and offices may be classified as sick buildings that may bring to those who breathe air pollution in them
It is believed that radon gas may be the second largest cause of lung cancer after smoking.
Radon gas is usually present in a basement house and is one of many indoor household contaminants.
Carbon monoxide is another common indoor pollutant.
Check if there is carbon monoxide poisoning in the air in your home and can warn you when something goes wrong.
If there is a leak between your closed garage and your home, the alarm will warn you.
What is the sick house syndrome?
When the air in the House reaches a level of pollution that is sufficient to bring disease or disease to the occupants, there will be room syndrome.
The nose or stomach discomfort that you think is allergic can actually be more serious.
You may have room syndrome.
Your home could make you sick.
Symptoms of Ward syndrome may include one or any of these health warning signals: headache, dizziness, stomach discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, confusion or difficulty in concentration, difficulty in remembering things, sneezing, congestion in the chest or sinus, sore throat, difficulty breathing, pain in the eyes or inflammation, stiff and painful muscles or joints, fatigue, ear pain, rash or itching, can't stand heat or cold, irritability or discomfort, chest pain or unusual palpitations.
What we can't see will definitely have a harmful effect on your family.
Be wise, be healthy and protect your home.
Check your home to make sure you and your child do not breathe in high levels of radon gas.
Regularly replace furnace filters to prevent re-discharge of dust and other small particles
Spread at home.
There are many reasons for indoor air pollution, such as household cleaning agents, varnish, paint, glue, computer ink and other common products, resulting in poor indoor air quality.
Household furniture such as carpets, and your house is made of building materials that will release invisible toxic gases into the air you breathe.
Even if these common daily items are stored at home, it will increase the level of indoor pollution in your home and increase the possibility of your family's sick room syndrome.
You and your family may breathe in formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, asbestos, lead dust, radon gas, mildew, mold, mites, bacteria, used smoke, pet dandruff and other contaminants.
You may not be able to see or smell these contaminants, but they may be in your home and make you sick.
If these pollutants do not have enough fresh air to dilute them to a relatively harmless state, then they will be combined with a large number of other indoor pollutants to pollute the indoor air of your home.
If you don't have enough fresh air exchange in your house, the indoor air in your home will become more and more polluted.
Since then, it's only a matter of time before you and your family start to suffer from the effects of Room syndrome.
1973 oil embargo and sick house syndrome.
One might wonder what the 1973 oil embargo might have to do with sick house syndrome, but the resulting energy crisis actually triggered a series of events, these events will greatly increase the suffering of people.
With world-wide oil shortages looming in the near future, the 1973 oil embargo has helped push up oil prices.
Government agencies have entered a new field of protection practice.
One of them is a new set of building standard specifications designed to ensure that buildings are as energy-efficient as possible.
In the 1900 s and throughout the 1900 s, the building standard specification required 15 cubic feet of fresh air per person per minute to be used for proper ventilation in buildings.
New energy-saving measures were implemented in the 1970 s, reducing fresh air ventilation in buildings.
At present, 15 cubic feet per person per minute of air is reduced to 5 cubic feet per person per minute.
Newly built and renovated houses, offices and schools will follow new standards to ensure that these buildings are more sealed.
This is the beginning of a new syndrome called sick building syndrome.
It is believed that stricter building code standards will ensure that the heating and cooling costs required for the building are lower and therefore more energy-efficient.
What no one could have foreseen at the time was that these new building code standards would instead benefit during the oil crisis, thus capturing bacteria and other contaminants in these buildings.
Trapped contaminants then have the opportunity to breed and rise to dangerous levels.
It is this polluted indoor air that causes people in these buildings to get sick.
People who live and work in these newly renovated or newly built buildings are starting to complain about some health illnesses.
The air in these buildings caused them a strange new disease.
For most people who initially come into contact with sick building syndrome, their symptoms disappear once they leave the affected building, but for many, their symptoms will last for a long time after initial exposure.
There are a few things you can do to help replace the stove filter on a regular basis.
Use dust cover on pillows and mattresses.
Install carbon monoxide monitor.
Use an air purifier to help remove indoor particles that may be allergic to the torch.
There are many styles and sizes of air purifiers, most of which are suitable for your room needs.
Most people are good at helping to remove allergens and dust from home, so choose an allergen and dust that suits your life©Cor is ideal for work.
Test the radon gas in your home.
Instill a carbon monoxide detector in your home.
Use green household cleaning products such as vinegar, baking soda, lemon or green tea solution.
Open a window at home and open at least 1 inch in summer, winter, spring and autumn.
Check and remove mold or mold from your home.
Update your stove, air conditioning, ventilation system and other household appliances.
Store paint, glue, varnish, garden materials and other household cleaning or building materials in a garage or storage room, not in your living space.
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