showing support after sarona - home appliance manufacturer

by:Yovog     2023-03-22
showing support after sarona  -  home appliance manufacturer
Attractions for injured and killed victims in Wednesday's deadly terrorist attack in the Sarona market were replaced by bodyguards on Thursday
Accompanying politicians
It was a symbolic provocation, the ambulance was replaced by a news van, the table in the restaurant was overturned, the diners were abandoned when they were fired by bullets, and now occupied by religious youths, surrounded by a large number of police.
The dark shadow of killing terror is not only the subject of such attacks.
In fact, this darkness is almost always accompanied by a lamp that often ignites the spirit of resistance of those who insist on being seen and heard.
Less than 24 hours after the terrorist attacks, there were a large number of people on the scene, which is a phenomenon that needs to be explained.
In fact, not only members of Parliament but also ministers of government.
The next day, everyone curious in these areas knows that just a few hours ago, people like them were sitting there and laughing happily.
They ordered coffee and maybe had the same menu in their hands and now they are gone.
The sound of Wednesday night's deadly shooting will echo even in the quiet summer ahead.
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