Samsung Facebook Ad Backfires: Many Would Choose iPhone Over Galaxy S3 On 'Desert Island' - latest electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-03-21
Samsung Facebook Ad Backfires: Many Would Choose iPhone Over Galaxy S3 On \'Desert Island\'  -  latest electric toothbrush
Electronics makers and Apple's rival, Samsung, are really grabbing in its latest advertising campaign, with its Galaxy S3 competing with rivals like the iPhone 5.
But some of Samsung's ads are clearly contrary to their wishes.
A recent Facebook ad aimed at positioning Samsung Galaxy S3 as a device consumers want to carry with them has become a victim of Apple fans and other internet trolls, tapscape reports.
The ad was posted on the official Facebook page of Samsung's mobile phone.
6. asked which device they prefer to bring if they are trapped.
Although advertising is the victory of audience participation-
Draw more than 45,000 "likes" and 15,000 comments by writing time-
Many people have left their ideas on the side of their competitors.
While some users did express a preference for the Galaxy S3, BGR speculated that Samsung's Facebook ads were counter-productive.
It analyzed Facebook's recent 50 comments on the ad (
As of the time of publication, it has been announced. 18)
It is revealed that 40 users prefer the iPhone, while the iPad prefers the iPhone.
While the trend of Apple products continues today, other users have made some rash suggestions, such as "electric ships", "electric toothbrushes" and "satellite phones calling for rescue ".
AllThingsD's Ina Fried quipped that anyone using the Internet "for more than a week or so" might expect this reverse behavior.
"Like the corporate society you think [media]
"Experts will know that the masses tend to leave the script," Frid wrote . ".
The Wall Street Journal also reported a lack of quality. -
Or at least, hope--
The involvement of social media cited the epic snark piled up by reviewers on an issue raised on the Facebook page of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
This is not Samsung's first counter-productive ad recently.
Earlier this week, iFanboys put the words "no genius is needed" on Samsung's print ads, which some have refuted.
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