sample exam questions - static electricity - electrostatic air filter

by:Yovog     2020-09-27
sample exam questions - static electricity  -  electrostatic air filter
Multiple choice questions may be the easiest to complete --
You just have to put a cross in the box.
However, there are usually two answers to these questions, which are correct at first glance.
Don't make the mistake of reading the first answer without checking all the other answers and thinking it is correct.
If it says "make a box", you have to make a box.
If you leave it blank or check two or more boxes, you will get zero points.
These multiple-choice questions do not start with command words such as "description" or "explanation.
They will take "what . . . . . . " In the form of such a question to write? ' or 'Why…? '.
There will be more multiple-choice questions in the basic paper.
Questions provided by Peisheng Education Co. , Ltd.
Question 1-
The Foundation and the higher balloon P hang on the insulated thread head.
A teacher charged the balloon with a positive electricity, as shown in the following figure: when the balloon charges like this, it has. . . 1 mark]
The electron loses the proton body, the electron loses the proton body, and the electron loses the proton body. ✔The CGained Proton bond loses the electrons with negative electricity, thus leaving the electrons with positive electricity.
Question 2-
The electrostatic air filter is designed to remove dust particles from the air in the room.
A fan blows dusty air through several metal bars and metal plates.
There is a large potential difference (voltage)
Between the metal bar and the metal plate.
When dusty air passes through a metal rod, dust particles carry negative electricity.
This is because of the dust . . . . . . [1 mark]
Electron mass of sublayer✔Question 3-dgain proton sample
A plastic stick and a piece of cloth are not charged.
A student rubbed the plastic stick with a cloth.
The plastic stick is negatively charged.
Which line of charge on the table is correct compared to the plastic stick? [1 mark]
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