rocket encounters problem after takeoff - office air purifier

by:Yovog     2022-10-19
rocket encounters problem after takeoff  -  office air purifier
The unmanned Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket lifted off from the launch site 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida.
Source: APA merchant ships carrying a ton of supplies to the International Space Station were in trouble shortly after they took off.
SpaceX's billionaire founder, Elon Musk, reported a problem with the propeller of the unmanned spacecraft Dragon.
He said on Twitter that three of the four propellers did not start and that the company's flight controller was trying to cover the system.
Musk said at the SpaceX mission control center in Hawthorne, California that he wanted at least two propeller pods to be active before the deployment of dual solar panels that provided power.
NASA flight controllers in Houston helped monitor the operation of the space station.
Nine minutes after the Dragon separated from the rocket's upper deck, the problem arose.
The launch itself seemed perfect.
There are more than 1 ton of space station supplies on the Dragon, including some
Equipment required for air purifiers.
The capsule should arrive at the station on Saturday morning after an unusual short chase.
This is the first big trouble to play dragon on track.
The two capsules launched last year were no problem when they arrived at the space station.
SpaceX, a private California company run by billionaires, helped create PayPal and launch unmanned Falcon rockets into the cloud on time.
The launch controller is applauded and highly rated
Once the spacecraft arrives safely in orbit, five each other.
The successful separation of dragon and rocket was broadcast live on nasa TV; on-
Nine minutes after the plane takes off, the car camera will have a unique view.
The space station and its six.
As the falcon flies, the crew is flying around the Earth near the New England coast, 402 kilometers above the Atlantic Ocean.
The Dragon spacecraft will arrive on Saturday morning after an unusual short Chase;
Astronauts will use a huge robot arm to pull the dragon in and dock it to the space station.
SpaceX plugs fresh fruit into the Dragon for space station residents;
Apples and other foods are taken directly from the orchard of the employee's family.
The regular ice cream cup has no space in the study freezer.
Also on board: 640 seeds of flowering weeds for research, mouse stem cells, protein crystals, astronaut meals and clothing, garbage bags, air
Purification equipment, computer parts and other gears. SpaceX -
The official space exploration technology company-has a $US1. 6 billion ($A1. 5 billion)
Signed a space station transportation contract with NASA.
Its founder, Elon Musk, monitored the release from the company's mission control and home office in Hawthorne.
Lori gaffer, NASA's deputy director, said the use of commercial providers is more effective for space agencies.
It's a long term part.
She pointed out that NASA spends less on low-spending projects
Earth orbit and invest more in the deep seaspace missions.
This is one of the reasons why the space shuttle retired in 2011 after the completion of the space station.
The goal is to have SpaceX and other private companies take over the next few years to ship astronauts to and from the space station. SpaceX -
So far, the leader of this team
Manned flights are planned by 2015.
Garver urged "go to Falcon 9, go to Dragon" MS before launch.
This is the second of the 12 SpaceX deliveries planned under a contract with NASA;
The first is last October. A company-
The sponsored demo mission began in last May.
Rival track Science
It has not yet taken off from the Virginia launch pad.
The company plans to launch free
On April, its Antares rocket and Swan supply ship conducted a flight test, followed by a demonstration to the space station in the early summer. Then the so-
The so-called operational supply can be started.
Russia, Japan and Europe also frequently deliver space stations, and Russia is the only option for astronauts to ride.
But only dragons are designed to bring back a lot of research and used goods.
The Dragon will stay on the space station for more than three weeks before being loosened by the crew on March 25.
It will skydive into the Pacific Ocean with more than a ton of medical samples, plant and cell samples, Japanese fish and old machines, as well as space walking gloves and other items.
Space Exploration Technology plans to launch the next Dragon into the space station later in the fall.
More than 2000 guests packed the Cape Canaveral launch site on Friday morning to watch the Falcon flight.
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