robots are key in china's strategy to surpass rivals - home appliances manufacturers in china

by:Yovog     2023-02-23
robots are key in china\'s strategy to surpass rivals  -  home appliances manufacturers in china
Canbot can name Michael Jackson while playing Billy Jean, respond to voice commands and "dance ".
"Other robots displayed by China at the World Robotics conference can play badminton, play mobile phones, and classify computer chips.
China is showing off its emerging robotics industry.
The daytime exhibition in Beijing is part of the country's efforts to promote the use of more advanced technologies and create high-tech in Chinese factories
Redefine the end product of the meaning of "Made in China.
Artificial intelligence, real
In addition to the cool factor, China's plan to fully upgrade its factories and production lines also depends on manufacturing and better use of advanced robots.
Automation is critical for industries facing rising labor costs and slowing labor growth
Policy era and aging population.
Popular news Shanahan has released a video of the investigation of military houses with massive drug bombings: Ortiz shooting updates China will have to take big steps beyond Germany, Japan and other countries where robots are several generations ahead.
Headquartered in Shandong, east China, Infinitus International Group is its Canbot U-
Service robots that can be programmed to run in shopping centers, restaurants and banks.
But it is a "pepper" robot that imitates Japan's SoftBank.
In the vicinity, Peng Zhihui and Robin Yi stood together, "Ares" is a person --
The large robots they designed have exposed metal arms and hands, and have a wide range of uses, from military to basic tasks at home.
Peng Liyuan and Luo Liyuan, the robots programmed to save the world, are both 24 years old and have developed human models --
Like Ares, who went to university in Southwest China's Sichuan province.
A Shanghai investment company has invested some money.
"Many robots are not very useful right now, but they will show real value when used at home in the future," Peng said . ".
Thousands of factories in China's southern industrial center have long been low
Cost migrant workers are now turning to robots.
China has become the world's largest consumer of industrial robots, and will soon become the world's largest number of commercial robots.
Foxconn, the Taiwanese company that assembled Apple's iphone in China, has installed 40,000 robots in the factory.
China regards robots as the focus of the recent "made in China 2025" plan and has set a national goal to produce 100,000 industrial robots every year by 2020, 150 robots are put into use every 10,000 employees, and this number is called Robot density.
At present, China ranks 28 in the world in terms of robot density, second only to Portugal and Indonesia.
Last year, Chinese suppliers sold about 20,000 robots to local companies.
Humanoid robots are driven by neural networks, "in any other market, there has never been such a dynamic growth in such a short period of time, the international robotics federation said in an analysis of China's robotics industry released earlier this year.
Steve Wyatt, head of sales and marketing in Switzerland
ABB Robotics says it employs more than 1,600 employees in China, and sales in China have grown 50 times.
But China still lags behind in the complexity of the task.
The robots made can be handled, says Wyatt.
Recently, the Chinese home appliance manufacturer Midea Group announced the acquisition of the German industrial robot manufacturer Kuka.
Hong Kong Trade Development Council senior economist Rong Chu said that China will continue to seek progress from foreign experts in the field of robotics as part of a broader effort to transform China's economy.
"In the long run, China hopes to upgrade all industries," he said . "
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