robotic pool cleaning with the aquabot turbo t4 - water jet flosser

by:Yovog     2023-01-11
robotic pool cleaning with the aquabot turbo t4  -  water jet flosser
It's never been so easy or cheap to clean the pool.
The Aquabot Turbo T4 is designed specifically for both.
Doing the hard work of cleaning the pool is also more efficient and cheaper than what you did before.
So, what makes Aquabot Turbo T4 a star in pool cleaning?
First of all, easy to use.
You don't want to have a machine that is complex to operate.
Turbo T4 can be operated with just one switch, turn it on to follow the programmed cleaning cycle, or if you need a little more than normal, an easy-to-program interface gives you the opportunity to program the device according to the specified cycle.
The excellent efficiency of Turbo T4 also makes them different from the traditional pool cleaning robots on the market.
The robot has the ability to provide perfect cleaning by using a firm-mounted brush or by using a water jet to scrub and remove stains and deposits.
When the dirt is scrubbed clean, a powerful pump passes the water through the filter at about 5000 gallons per hour.
The filter is manufactured to be used multiple times, which of course is a cost-cutting feature.
The powerful filter will range from tiny particles to branches and leaves and all sorts of dirt, suspended in the water and deposited in the water.
The package includes a custom remote control that you can use at your convenience if you decide to review the work, or if there are patches that need to be closely watched.
You can navigate to difficult patches using the remote control and choose what action to take to clean up difficult areas.
The motion of the robot is controlled by two on-board microprocessors, which benefit from years of engineering experience at Aquabot engineering.
Super sensitive sensors help detect obstacles and handle navigation so that the Aquabot Turbo T4 does not get stuck during cleaning.
The cost of running T4 is about 5 cents per cleaning cycle that can be completed per hour.
Compare with any other traditional pool cleaning equipment or methods in the money saving department.
For the best results, you can clean the pool once a week, as weekly cleaning will ensure that the waterline and other dirt will not Harden to the point where it is harder to clean.
Therefore, the Aquabot Turbo T4 will not be under too much pressure and it will have a longer life cycle.
Also, the four-year warranty that comes with the purchase is an attractive incentive as we know any inconvenience will be dealt.
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