Richard Thalheimer, Chmn. and CEO of The Sharper Image - ionic breeze air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-11-11
Richard Thalheimer, Chmn. and  CEO of The Sharper Image  -  ionic breeze air purifier
This is a complete transcript edited by Neil kavuto in your world in December 26, 2002, for clarity.
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Watch your world w/Cavuto on weekdays at 4 p. m. and 1 a. m. ET.
Special host Brenda batner: professional retailer Sharper Image has done about 15% of its business online.
But that number is expected to continue to grow.
Now talk to me about this holiday, Richard Taylor, founder and CEO of the company.
Thank you very much for joining us.
Sharper image (SHRP) & CEO: Thank you, Brenda.
Buttery: Well, you have more physical stores, but do you see an increase in online sales?
Taylor: in December, we saw an increase of about 68% in online sales, while the company's total sales increased by 28%.
So this ratio is too big.
Butchers: kid, I tell you that even though there were some issues with your stock last month, your stock was doing a pretty amazing job.
It dropped by about 20%.
But you have done well in the last three years.
THALHEIMER: Thank you.
What do you attribute it?
Taylor: Well, you know, we continue to differentiate ourselves from other retailers by having original products.
We are paying more and more attention to practical and useful products, such as our silent air purifier.
Buttery: Actually, I think it's one of your best selling products, Ionic Breeze.
Taylor Heimer: The Ionic Breeze is unusual because it uses almost no energy, but it cleans the air completely quietly 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
And most of these are big. ticket items.
How much does that cost?
Alzheimer: threefifty.
But it competes with other air filters on the market.
Buttery: in the electronic locator, for someone like me who can never find the key.
You can find it now.
This lets you just press a button and the remote or cordless phone will beep to tell you where it is.
Buttery: these are really for gadget lovers. right?
I mean, this is your demographics.
Taylor: that's true, but some are very ordinary.
For example, our nasal hair trimmer is our best --selling items.
It's hard to believe.
We may have more nasal hair than anyone else.
Is this a gift?
Tyler: Well, I guess you always want to know.
I think this is a personal purchase. OK.
Then there is the wine manufacturer series.
Is this another big event this year? Yes.
Here again, we take unique products, we pack them, our packaging, 75% of our sales this year 0. 5 billion is done under a clearer image brand, therefore, we are different from other retailers, which allows us to increase our profit margin and continue to expand our sales.
This is the first year we passed the sales mark of 0. 5 billion. BUTTNER: Right.
Well, we wish you continued success.
Thank you again for joining us.
THALHEIMER: Thank you.
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