rhyl house 'destroyed' in faulty washing machine fire - electrical appliance suppliers

by:Yovog     2023-04-17
rhyl house \'destroyed\' in faulty washing machine fire  -  electrical appliance suppliers
According to a charity, nearly 150 fires in Welsh families last year were caused by electrical failures.
Prior to this, Elwyn Roberts from Lille, Derbyshire said that his mother's home was burned by a fire caused by a surge in washing machine power.
No one was injured in the fire that occurred on February, but Mr. Roberts said that some of the missing items were "almost irreplaceable ".
Electrical Safety First urges people to register their electrical products.
Mr. Roberts said his 71-year-
When repairing the house, the old mother was "almost homeless" and she lived mostly in a neighbor or his apartment.
He said: "There is very little left by the fire, which destroys very precious memories for my mother and our family.
They are irreplaceable.
"I can't stand seeing the damage caused by this fire continue to hurt my mom.
"The fire spread to the room in the middle, wiped it out, destroyed her new computer, burned a hole in the ceiling and melted the double glazing.
He added: "Heart --
The broken gray damage left behind after this tragedy hurt my mom the most, because there are so many precious family possessions, including the beautiful silver-lined stroller my sister and I used when I was a child was completely destroyed.
"My mom walked out of the house with two cats and thankfully no one was hurt, but the memory of the destruction of this fire is irreplaceable.
"Electrical Safety First encourages people to register products with manufacturers to avoid such fires.
It said that 36% of the 250 people surveyed in Wales did not register their products, meaning they would not be notified if there was a problem with their products.
In Wales, 143 fires last year were caused by electrical failures.
Nearly three in a week.
There are 2,330 fires in Britain.
Data from Scotland and Northern Ireland did not take electrical safety into account first.
Of all the appliances, tumble dryers cause the most fires, followed by washing machines and rice cookers. Co-
Op Insurance said that one of the five fires was caused by electrical failures.
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