Remains by Simon Armitage - at home beauty devices

by:Yovog     2021-08-18
Remains by Simon Armitage  -  at home beauty devices
When writing an article about your explanation or response to a poem, you should consider the following points. Essay-
Write a plan first and pay attention to what you will include in each paragraph.
First briefly outline the poem.
Then the theme, form, structure, rhythm and language are mentioned.
A series of views or opinions are mentioned.
Compare this poem with another one.
Mention any relevant details about the context of this poem.
End with a firm judgment on the poem.
Support Everything you say with the details or references in the poem.
A good way to start is to highlight any key words that stand out for you.
Make sure you use these keywords in the article.
How does Simon Armitage present war in remains?
Compared to the presentation of war in another poem.
Brief introduction: scene of modern war, no name, but considered Gulf War, War in Afghanistan or similar.
Monologue: Presented by a soldier's point of view
Traumatic Stress Disorder after homicide
Narrative of characters.
Image: cruel image taken-"crack", "guts ".
The reader has the same feeling of being disturbed as the speaker.
Structure: The second half of the poem went home.
Soldiers are haunted.
Repeated lines emphasize repeated nightmares.
Conclusion: war is everywhere-unnecessary deaths of innocent people and innocent deaths of soldiers --
A criminal act that he could never get rid.
There are still some questions to think about: how does Simon Armitage show guilt in his remains?
How does Simon Armitage conflict in the remains?
Compared to a poem by another poet, such as Lord Byron's destruction of the throne.
More about planning an article.
Explore the research guide of "Destruction of sennacherib.
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