Real innovators keep their ideas real - electric toothbrush offers

by:Yovog     2021-11-12
Real innovators keep their ideas real  -  electric toothbrush offers
Commenting on the first and most important lesson I 've learned in business is that what they teach you at school doesn't matter.
This is because most of what you learn at school is theory.
The real world is real.
There is a different world between the two.
Where does innovation come from?
"We talked about what Malcolm Gladwell said about the creation myth: an innovator might not be the one who came up with the idea, but the one who turned the idea into something that people can use.
Innovators don't see anything different. -
They have different views on the 10 features of successful people, because the value comes from practical solutions in real life. world problems.
While it takes ideas and speculation to describe the problem and propose possible solutions, few of us actually do this in the job description.
Even if you do, the measure of success lies in how you quickly and effectively translate these concepts into products and services that people pay.
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Why, you should keep your thoughts true if you want a real rewardthe-
In college, I learned all kinds of physics.
At graduate school, I learned to apply it to electrical engineering.
But in my first job at Texas InstrumentsTXN)--
In the real world-
I used complex software and tools that no one in college mentioned to design complex semiconductor chips.
We used to joke at TI all the time, Ohm's law V = IR is the only thing we learned at school that we used at work.
Well, it's an internal joke for engineers, but it's worth mentioning that George Simon Ohm, who laid the foundation for circuit theory, is mostly at home --
Education and selftaught.
Today, since I designed the first chip to receive Navstar GPS signals from satellites that will not even be in orbit in the next few years, it has been more than 30 years, and interestingly, GPS was originally designed for defense, not for commercial use.
At the age of 90, a microprocessor company called Cyrix taught an old microprocessor.
At that time, the price of personal computers was about $2,500.
One of the co-founders of the company is a very innovative person who came up with a variety of smart but practical solutions.
When product marketers run around in circles with all sorts of silly ideas, they start from a theoretical point of view, and this guy sets up a skunk working group in Colorado, modified an old microprocessor architecture and built the world's first
$1,000, then again. $500 PC.
This is the beginning of a decline in computer prices.
A small part of Intel (INTC)
He spent a lot of time designing the microprocessor and changing the world.
Crazy ideas before AppleAAPL)
These products have been in the market for MP3, smartphones and tablets for a long time.
Years and years.
Experts believe Apple is a terrible idea to try to break into these mature markets.
At least that's the theory.
Apple's breakthrough in these markets has nothing to do with speculation or assumptions.
Apple came up with what people wanted to do and made those perfect products for them. Period.
Battery technology: who needs it?
If you haven't heard about the partnership between Duracell and Powermat, you'll hear about it soon.
Because we do a lot on portable devices and there is less and less space for batteries, our idea is to provide charging stations anywhere you go.
You just put your phone down on the Powermat in the car, airport, Starbucks, etc, it will charge with induction, just like your electric toothbrush for many years
Technology is simple;
This is just a simple, practical way to solve a huge problem we all face.
What happened?
In 140 characters or less Twitter, Facebook's virus is successful and now Pinterest is not big, excessivethe-
But entrepreneurs just do what they think is cool.
So is Yahoo (YHOO)and Google (GOOG).
Who would think that you could make the computer so cheap that people would buy such expensive phones or that you could express so much content with 140 characters or less?
In theory, none of this makes much sense.
Nor does anyone think it makes sense to have a dedicated search company;
Yahoo could have bought Google for $5 m. Who knew?
Look, I can go ahead and give examples, but that's the problem.
Practice is always better than theory in the real world.
So, it's true to keep your thoughts, and the rewards are true.
Photos are taken by mattbuchanan, a user of Flickr.
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