quantitative assessment of microbes from samples of indoor air and dust - indoor air cleaner

by:Yovog     2019-07-24
quantitative assessment of microbes from samples of indoor air and dust  -  indoor air cleaner
In the study to assess the health impact of indoor microorganisms, different types of indoor dust samples were widely used as an alternative to air inhalation exposure.
We study here.
In quantitative evaluation
Representation of different indoor air dust samples (IA)
The seasonality and repeatability of indoor samples were also studied.
In households in four rural and five cities in Finland, microbial exposure was measured more than five times a year.
Six sampling methods have been used: the button can breathe in the aerosol sampler (
Actively collect personal and indoor air sampling)
Dust, dust, mattress dust, vacuum cleaner dust bag dust;
The last three samples mentioned here are "reservoir dust samples ".
Using quantitative PCR, We quantified the fungal species, qingmould, fungal Qunqing mold/Niger/Mutant stick mildew, total fungal DNA and G-
Positive and G-
Negative bacteria
We observed significant differences in microbial levels between rural and urban households, most notably for individual air samples.
Fungal species and populations in indoor air, but not all fungal DNA, are moderately related to reservoir dust and individual air samples.
For bacterial populations, the correlation between air and dust is generally low.
Indoor air and dust settled dust samples reflect similar seasonal changes in microbial levels, and the composition is similar based on the ratio of qPCR markers.
Generally, over time, the determination of mattress dust and other Reservoir samples is easier to reproduce in the repeated evaluation than in the measurement of indoor air or settling dust.
This study shows that the settled dust reflects the microbial composition of the indoor air and has a similar response to environmental determinants.
Reservoir dust tends to predict better microbial levels in indoor air and has better repeatability.
Sampling Strategies in indoor studies need to be developed based on research issues and may need to rely on multiple types of samples.
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