properties still without power in tauranga after power box blew last night - small electrical appliances

by:Yovog     2023-03-16
properties still without power in tauranga after power box blew last night  -  small electrical appliances
Last night's powerbox failure in the Pyes Pa area in Tauranga is expected to leave 56 properties powered by generators.
Late last night, a bombed insulator cut off power to the substation, and early this morning the customer restored power.
Phil Marsh, network operations manager at Powerco, said the failure occurred at 10.
At ten o'clock P. M. , 3500 properties were initially affected.
The fire and the police responded at 10 to a powerbox fire.
Sixteen o'clock P. M. in the sea.
Fire and Emergency (FENZ)
A spokesman said a truck had a "small electrical fire" in 45 minutes ".
A police spokesman said they received a call at 10.
It was sixteen o'clock P. M. last night but only needed to clear the area.
Power supply resumed at full 1.
42 am, but since the repair of the damaged cable has been completed, 56 properties are currently powered by generators.
The contractor continued to investigate the cause of the power outage.
Powerco is the second largest power company and gas distribution company in New Zealand, with about one. 1m customers (
Connecting Across 446,000)
Connect to its network.
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