positive signs for the future of tasmania's youth population - air cleaner

by:Yovog     2020-01-19
positive signs for the future of tasmania\'s youth population  -  air cleaner
A population study at the University of tazhou found that the pace of young people leaving the state has slowed.
The state has been experiencing a loss of people under the age of 15.
However, a report released on Friday showed positive signs of youth detention and an increase in the number of people entering the country.
Dr Lisa Denny, a researcher at the Institute of Social Change at the University of tazhou, said a better understanding of who will move to tazhou and why will help the state continue to attract young groups.
Dr. Danny said there is little current knowledge of the factors driving recent changes.
"The rate of growth experienced in tazhou in 2017 seems to be an anomaly, which has the potential to become
"It would be too bad if proper infrastructure and services were not provided to meet the growing population needs brought about by immigration," Dr. Denny said . ".
Dr. Danny said that the possible reasons for the increase in interstate immigration include the climate, the cost of living and congestion in big cities, and the phenomenon of Tasman returning home.
John Austin, 35, returned to tazhou this year after living in Canberra for nine years, saying returning home has always been his goal.
"I like the urban environment, the water, the natural environment, and the art and food culture of Hobart," Mr. Austin said . ".
"I especially wanted to find a chance to move back before moving," he said . ".
Josh Lees, 29, moved from Sydney to tazhou in search of a better lifestyle and cleaner air.
"For me, Sydney is now a bit like a beast.
It has too much population and infrastructure to keep up with it, "Li said.
"As far as Mother Earth is concerned, it feels like the state of Tasmania is one of the last places to be allowed," he said . ".
"You can feel, taste and touch it in the state of Tasmania, especially in Hobart, and you don't have a lot of places to do that anymore.
Without detailed data on why people moved to the Tasmania state, the state would not be able to sustain and develop the current momentum, especially if population growth had an impact on livability, Dr. Danny said.
"In view of the prime minister's request that state and regional governments" better understand the growth of specific regions "and" The impact of pressure points "to provide information for a lasting national population planning framework, Dr. Danny said: "It's time to begin to better understand the drivers of demographic change in tazhou. ".
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