pollution and asthma: diesel pollution & causes of asthma - air cleaner

by:Yovog     2023-02-08
pollution and asthma: diesel pollution & causes of asthma  -  air cleaner
There is no new problem.
Since the Industrial Revolution, cities have been blackened with coal, wood and diesel.
While we have grown to households that use electricity and natural gas to warm up, there has been an increase in air pollution, especially in urban areas where industry is gathering and traffic is not
Stop by and around the local community. With the ever-
More and more pollution causes health problems, such as asthma.
Growing chronic disease in the United StatesS.
According to government statistics.
The main victims of long-term air pollution are young, elderly and people with impaired immune systems.
In the past few years, the school system (many low-income)
The number of asthma students in urban areas has increased dramatically.
According to the Environmental Protection Fund,
Children in Harlem, New York have asthma.
In addition, research across California shows an increase in children's asthma in schools close to highways and interstate highways, which makes people believe that exposure to diesel smoke is the culprit.
In addition, statistics show that African children
Decent people in the US and/or Latin America are more likely to have asthma, and these children are more likely to live and go to school in crowded cities.
While cigarette smoke and allergens (such as pollen) can trigger asthma attacks, the increase in the diagnosis of asthma in children seems to be directly related to exhaust gas.
Diane Bailey of the Natural Resources Conservation Commission reported that "a major study found that diesel exhaust components, including particulate matter, can cause biological reactions related to asthma;
This exposure is associated with inflammation and immune response associated with asthma.
"As many schools are located near major highways, diesel is constantly flowing
As Bailey reports, fuel trucks and buses pose an increasing threat to students' health, even if students live in suburban or rural areas.
"A study of 13 communities in Southern California found that children exposed to traffic
School-related pollution is more likely to develop into asthma, regardless of whether the family is exposed or not.
In addition, a study of more than 1,000 children in the Netherlands found that "among children living within 330 feet of the highway, asthma, breathing, cough and runny nose are significantly more common;
The increased incidence of asthma was significantly associated with an increase in diesel truck traffic.
"In the UK, a study of 10,000 children showed that if the child's home is close to the main road, symptoms are more likely to occur, with the highest risk in families 300 feet kilometers from the road.
Similarly, diesel truck traffic plays an important role in the degree of pollution.
The obvious solution to all this is to keep traffic away from the school area, which of course is easier said than done. Re-
Routing traffic in urban environments can bring logistics nightmares.
Another solution is to design and manufacture vehicles that no longer emit diesel smoke, which is filled with particles that ignite our children's lungs.
Or come up with other means of transport that can eliminate pollution.
Some supporters of diesel alternatives have pushed trucking companies to use natural gas.
Others believe that the promotion of a national railway system will provide a safer and more efficient system.
Natural gas trucks burn cleaner than other fuels, especially diesel, which has been used to fuel trucks for years.
One of the first "clean" companies was the waste management company.
They use natural gas in garbage trucks.
Other trucking problems follow, but not enough to change the level of pollution inside and around the city's schools.
Supporters of gas trucks say the vehicles not only keep the air clean,
They are cheaper than their diesel-fed counterparts.
It seems like a win-win situation, but is it?
People opposed to the transportation of natural gas trucks pointed out that the process of obtaining natural gas-hydraulic fracturing-produced ozone levels higher than in major cities.
In addition, this process can lead to the problem of the groundwater level, which is related to the residents who rely on the water supply of the well.
On the other hand, some people believe that the renovation and revitalization of US rail services will eliminate pollution by providing fast and clean services (electric)
Commuters and transportation in the industry.
Opponents of this solution point out that the trucking industry, which employs thousands of people, will be severely affected by rail services.
Clean air and clean traffic, this does not need to be a solution.
If we all have pollution
Free truck transport and e-commerce
High-speed rail, two people can work togetherexist.
In addition, if automakers speed up the pace of delivering hybrid cars, and industries eliminate fossil fuels from their factories, air around the world will be cleaner.
The air is cleaner and the lungs are cleaner.
Diesel pollution is one of the main causes of asthma in children today.
Serious consideration should be given to eliminating any and all solutions for diesel smoke in the air we breathe.
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