phil spencer's top 20 ways to add value to your home - and get it noticed on the market - best air purifier for your home

by:Yovog     2021-03-12
phil spencer\'s top 20 ways to add value to your home - and get it noticed on the market  -  best air purifier for your home
According to recent data released by US mortgage lenders, the UK real estate market continues to slow down and house price growth is 6-
Annual lows in August.
The market downturn is blamed on record low inventories, tight household budgets and uncertainty over the Brexit vote.
Although the growth figure is lower than expected, the first
Time buyers in the UK at 12-
Annual high of 175,500.
This is the third year in a row.
In the first half of 2009, after the financial crisis, the UK's number of time buyers exceeded 150,000, more than double the record low of 72,700.
So it may not be the worst time to sell.
If you want. .
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