Pets need dental care, too - the best toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-01-28
Pets need dental care, too  -  the best toothbrush
Of all the health problems.
Dental diseases are often the most common in cats and dogs.
"Around the age of 3 to 4, about 70 to 80% of pets start having problems with their teeth.
But it is often overlooked, "said Rogers, a veterinarian working with the city.
"Dental health is a problem that many people don't take seriously.
This is a mistake, experts say.
Ignoring the pet's teeth can cause the same problems that bother people, including inflammation and infection of the gums.
Periodontal disease causes teeth to fall off.
The infection below the gums can even affect the heart and other internal organs of the animal.
Although dog owners may thinkthan-
Fresh breathing is a necessary evil for dogs to accompany, and it can Herald tooth problems for dogs and cats.
Therefore, appetite can be reduced, tooth discoloration and bleeding gums.
Prevention is the key to pet oral health.
Professional cleaning of veterinarians is expensive;
The average cost of dental cleaning could be at $150 or more, Rogers said, and the extraction usually costs extra and requires general anesthesia.
Veterinarians usually check the teeth as part of a routine visit, but monitor the pet's mouth at home by observing gum redness, tooth discoloration, and oral sensitivity "in any case, your PET said in Rogers all day.
"It takes only a second to lift your lips and look at the gum line.
"There are ways for pet owners to keep their furry friends mouth healthy at home. Brushing.
Dogs and cats often brush their teeth, yes. Use a soft-
Brush or finger brush and manufacturing-for-
Pet toothpaste
Not human toothpaste that can make the animal's stomach uncomfortable.
Help your pet get used to the process by lifting your lips and massaging your gums.
By having them smell a week or so, introduce them to the toothpaste and then gradually start rubbing it on their gums, lips or teeth.
Eventually you can introduce the toothbrush and gradually increase your time to brush your teeth.
Brush at least once a week, but preferably once a day. Toys.
Raw skin chewing toys, rubber chewing toys and rope toys can help to remove dental plaque from the dog's teeth.
Give dogs proper chewing and toys so that they do not risk choking. Food.
Some pet food manufacturers offer foods prepared for the health of their teeth.
Hard food helps to remove plaque from teeth, but cannot replace brushing your teeth. Edible treats.
Chewing on crispy teeth may help to remove plaque from the teeth of cats and dogs.
Gel, water additives and spray. Some anti-
To help pets clean their teeth, plaque-like fluids were added to the pet's drinking water.
There are also oral spray and gel.
Find the products recognized by theat.
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