Personal Health - electric toothbrush with timer

by:Yovog     2021-12-14
Personal Health  -  electric toothbrush with timer
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This holiday, try to give family and friends as required by the doctor: gifts that can help them stay healthy.
With budget cuts and rising medical costs,
Promotional gifts are more popular, longer-lasting, and often more affordable than cashmere scarves or designer perfumes.
The gift of promoting health sends a strong message ---
One cares enough to keep the life and health of the recipient as long as possible.
The choice is almost endless, from gift certificates to sneakers to a basket of healthy (
Homemade or shopbought)food.
There are a few notes.
Think twice before choosing a gift with hidden information.
For example, do not buy sports equipment for sofa potatoes.
A gift to stop-
Smokers who do not seem to want to quit smoking may not welcome or use the smoking program.
On the other hand, if the recipient has always wanted to do something, but has not yet started, it is a small gift, like a trial lecture in aerobics class, which may be ideal
Gifts listed below may help to think about health issues
Promotion clause: More food for kitchen microorganisms-
Diseases combined with all other food hazards.
Gifts that help keep food safe include a variety of thermometers: for meat and poultry, ovens, refrigerators and freezers.
Acrylic chopping boards are easier to clean than wood and are especially useful for cutting raw meat and poultry.
Plastic food storage containers, perhaps with label pens and tape, are ideal for storing leftovers and nutritious meals in a refrigerator or freezer.
Another possibility is kitchen utensils, from the stove to the freezer to the microwave.
For the party, gadgets that keep food hot (
Hot pot or electric tray for example)and cold (
Cooler tray frozen with frozen gel)
It means a safer celebration.
There are many healthy things in the bookstore now.
Promote cooking books to people with health problems such as diabetes or heart disease
Fat recipes for healthy people who want to stay in this state.
Or consider providing well-packaged healthy ingredients and food-
For example, various dried beans and peas, pasta of various shapes and flavors, selection of various grains, raw or dried without pickling --
Roasted nuts and seeds, all
Cereal biscuits and various dried fruits; homemade low-
Sugar jam, pancake mix, chutney, apple sauce, salad dressing and quick bread;
Ingredients such as wood star, vinegar, seasoning oil, a mixture of various spices and spices, dried peppers, herbal tea and wine for cooking.
Those who have the opportunity to garden, even if only on the windowsill, may enjoy the equipment and seeds needed to start a grass medicine garden.
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Look for gifts that encourage physical activity, regardless of age or health.
Consider skates or skates instead of giving young people another kind of video game or computer program;
Tennis, football, hockey or skiing equipment;
Shoes and maps for hiking;
Rope skipping, bat, badminton or volleyball teams, and of course traditional tricycles and bikes.
Advertise for people who already have the main equipment for their favorite sport, looking for things like top-
Premium sport socks, head and wristband, helmets, goggles and knee pads, pockets, insulated water bottles, long underwear, face masks, leg warmers, gloves and ear covers.
People of different ages may enjoy attending fitness classes or nearby swimming pools, indoor exercise equipment or video exercise tapes, folk dance classes, and books that promote safe participation in activities such as walking or swimming.
Pressure-reducing people forget the desktop perpetual motion toy for those who have everything.
More effective ways to help relieve stress include yoga, tai chi, dance and meditation.
A little book by the doctor called "relaxation reaction"
Herbert Benson did it. it-
Lessons to relax and meditate.
Membership in a local botanical garden or nature reserve may also be helpful. Music, a time-honored stress-
Razcer, which hasn't lost its charm yet, can now go from small portable tape players to surround sound-sound in cars.
Consider recording or concert tickets if not equipment.
Maybe an out-of-date amateur musician would like a gift certificate for a music class.
Helping health may be a mother. in-
What the law needs most and is most unlikely to get itself is a breast X-ray.
You may "give" her a valuable check and offer to take her to get it, and you may pay if her insurance is not included.
For a friend or relative who has always wanted to start exercising, give yourself a gift ---
He offered to join and help him start his work.
People with high blood pressure may benefit from home monitors;
People with heart disease or high cholesterol can list the fat and cholesterol levels of common foods in a book or chart, and people with diabetes may like kitchen scales to help calculate the amount of food.
For a person whose agility is limited by arthritis, a thoughtful gift may be lazy --
Susan kitchen organizer, soap on the rope, two-
Processed pan bowl pans basin, food processor, gloves, jewelry with no buckle or electric toothbrush.
People with vision problems may appreciate a big one
Clock, watch, timer or outdoor thermometer.
Health or others who like to know the latest health information may subscribe to a reliable health or nutrition newsletter.
There are many options, including the Harvard Medical School Health Letter, the Food and Nutrition Letter from the University of taffts, and the health letter from the University of California, Berkeley, and my personal favorite Nutrition Action newsletter for the benefit of the public.
For those who have everything, consider donating blood or donating it to a medical research or support organization in the name of the recipient.
When people are still alive, they can enjoy a "memorial" gift more.
A version of this article was printed on page B00023 of the National edition on December 13, 1990 with the title: personal health.
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