PERSONAL HEALTH - dentist recommended electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-01-21
PERSONAL HEALTH  -  dentist recommended electric toothbrush
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From a range of new products and ads, plaque has become the latest scourge of health
Conscious AmericansPlaque-
Toothpaste, mouthwash and
Tech toothbrush is one of the new products designed to help people keep their teeth for life.
However, the value of these products may take decades to measure, only in the appropriate long time
Study for the semester.
The plaque has a peculiar smell, bacteria-
Bin Laden film of a series of events that form on the teeth and begin to lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease, which is the main cause of tooth loss in adults.
Plaque begins to form within minutes of brushing your teeth.
If it is not disturbed for 24 hours or more, it will harden into dental stone or dental stone and requires professional instruments to be removed.
Even diligent brushing only clears half of the plaque on the surface of the tooth.
What is most likely to be missed is patches along the line of the gums and below the line of the gums, between deep teeth and teeth, which are exactly where decay and periodontal disease originated.
Dental floss properly used every day can relax most of this destructive plaque.
But Floss lacks charm and can't give people a clean taste and pleasant breath of brushing their teeth, which is undoubtedly why more people brush their teeth than floss.
Among those who use dental floss every day, many still miss the plaque formed by the hard flossto-reach places.
Advertising into the new plaque-
Fighting products.
In some cases, the old product that has never been designed to fight the plaque just presents a new look, but has no new ingredients.
Other products were originally sold for purposes other than plaque prevention and have been shown to have some anti-plaque properties that are now being considered for sale.
There are also new products that have been developed specifically to crack down on plaques, which are also sold in this way.
How good is advertising?
The current data on effectiveness is limited, but the following is known: since so many toothpaste are now made from fluoride, manufacturers have been looking for new sales perspectives.
It seems to be an attack plaque.
According to the third issue of the consumer report, the inspection was first conducted on the spot --
Up toothpaste produced by Minnetonka, a relatively small company.
Eventually, big manufacturers of P & G and Colgate
Palmolive followed suit with Crest Tartar control formula and Dentagard, respectively;
Johnson & Johnson is now marketing prevention.
Are these products effective?
First, the bare toothbrush used with elbow grease is much more effective than any toothpaste to remove plaque.
Second, there is no toothpaste to clean where the toothbrush is not in contact, so it is high
Brushing teeth does not necessarily help risk areas.
Third, just because they are advertised as plaque attackers doesn't mean they can hit the plaque.
Dentagard and check,
According to Consumer Reports, Up does not have a special component against the plaque. Check-
However, its manufacturer says the Up contains an additional abrasive microsil, which plays a mechanical auxiliary role in removing patches.
The consumer reported that Crest Tartar controls the formulation and prevents chemicals that contain what is known as "isolation agents" that have been shown to inhibit the build-up of tartar.
According to a report submitted to the American Dental Research Association last month, another toothpaste, Viadent, was produced by a small Colorado company called viont Laboratories, containing natural dental plaque.
Combat substances extracted from blood grass or blood grass plants.
When orthodontic patients used Viadent toothpaste and mouthwash every day, plaque decreased by 53% and gums decreased by 50%.
Consumers should be aware that on some toothpaste it was found that the basis on which the seal was granted to the American Dental Association for approval was the product's fluoride-resistant ability to rot.
In last December, the association developed guidelines for assessing plaque
Combat products, the seal of this category is expected.
However, one should also know that tin fluoride found in some toothpaste is effective --
More than fluoride.
Against the plaque.
Several different components have been shown to reduce plaque or to inhibit or kill plaque bacteria.
Bloodshot extract from Viadent oral rinse is absorbed by plaque, thus fighting against bacterial growth. An old-
Timer, Listerine, contains essential oils that delay plaque and reduce the severity of gum inflammation.
Oral Rinse and toothpaste made of chemical chlorhexidine sold in Europe but not yet approved for sale in the United States may contain the most effective antibacterial plaque;
In a recent test, mouthwash containing chlorhexidine can reduce the severity of gum disease by about 50%.
But it has side effects: it does not taste well, it may interfere with taste temporarily, it will pollute the teeth and bacteria will develop resistance to it.
Advertising a newcomer, Plax, produced by a Manhattan company's oral Research Laboratory in New York, contains several ingredients that are said to be used against plaque.
The purpose of this rinse is to relax the plaque before brushing your teeth, including the plaque stuck between the gum line and the teeth.
In a study at the University of Pennsylvania, it was used separately (for 30 seconds)
Reduce plaque by 22%.
When brushing your teeth subsequently, it reduces the plaque by 34% instead of 2. 5%, 8.
The placebo mouthwash was 5%.
In addition, Plax removes tooth stains, which can cause tooth stains when foods such as coffee and tea react with plaque.
Penn researchers and a second team at Boston's fusse Dental Center concluded that Plax improved the effectiveness of brushing teeth, especially in parts of the mouth that are relatively difficult to clean.
Brush brush doctor is generally recommended to use a soft brush or brush
Soft bristles to prevent damage to the delicate gum tissue, dental plaque should be removed with a brush.
The head of the brush should be small enough so that it can reach all the teeth at the back of the mouth.
The recommended method of brushing teeth seems to have changed like skirt fashion.
Recent studies have shown that regular scrubbing back and forth is more effective than rolling the brush up (or down)
Teeth on dental floss
How about not tube brush technology, as mentioned earlier, the scope of use of ordinary brushes is limited.
That's why Dental Research in Tucker, Georgia.
The Interplak is a $99 electric toothbrush designed to scrub plaque between and between teeth.
Its bristles rotate rapidly continuously (
4,200 times a minute)
, Change direction 46 times per second.
The adjacent taftz rotates in the opposite direction to prevent the brush from slipping.
In contrast, hand brushes offer about 160 pens per minute.
The study found that Interplak removed 98% of the plaque on the surface of the tooth, more effective than manual
Brush your teeth to remove plaque between teeth and under the gums.
The device has proved particularly helpful for people wearing braces on their teeth.
Conclusions do not assume that any of the products mentioned or products still under development cannot replace the daily brushing of teeth and the use of dental floss;
They can only be assistants.
To test the effectiveness of the work you do, you may use the disclosure tablet or disclosure solution from time to time.
These products will pollute the plaque that remains on the teeth and show you where you need to work harder. (
When the plaque falls off, the stain falls off. )
Also, don't think there is no potential disease because your mouth looks and feels clean and your gums look healthy. As Dr. Stephen F.
Goodman, president
The elected person of the American periodontal Society pointed out that "no one has yet determined how many plaques need to be reduced to prevent periodontal diseases and health --
Looking at the gums may make the dentist think there is no disease.
"Advertising your dentist should check for hidden signs of periodontal disease at least once every six months.
No matter what type of home care you practice, professional cleaning is still necessary two to four times a year.
A version of this article was printed on page C00006 of the National edition on April 2, 1986 with the title: personal health.
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