parents of state school pupils are crowdfunding air purifiers to protect them from air pollution - what's the best air purifier

by:Yovog     2020-10-15
parents of state school pupils are crowdfunding air purifiers to protect them from air pollution  -  what\'s the best air purifier
To protect children from air pollution, parents are raising money to install the school's air purifiers.
More public schools are considering installing purifiers at a cost of between £ 1,000 and £ 5,000 per classroom, as people are increasingly concerned about the impact of heart Air on children's health.
Last year, Notting Hill Preparatory School, a private school in west London
Techair purifier-parents of state school children are now crowdfunding for similar devices.
Christian Lickfett, general manager of commercial air filtration for installing air purifiers, said he was working with state schools, but most of his requests came from private schools.
"Parents have a greater awareness of pollutants in the air, and children are the most vulnerable," Mr Lickfett said . ".
"People are getting more and more interested.
"Kimberly Hickman, the parent who is raising money to install air purifiers at London's sons school, told The Times that it is unfair that students in public schools are unlikely to be protected.
In an interview with The Independent, MS Hickman said: "The funding of state schools will always be more intense. It is a given.
But local councils and governments have funds to support environmental projects, she added.
Friendly plans include the installation of air purifiers in public schools.
"Once a school does this, you will see others do the same," said Hickman MS, a part-time employee.
Time to do fundraising at school
A study released last week showed that students in London are educated in schools that often exceed the air quality threshold set by the World Health Organization.
Experts warn that exposure to air pollution may hinder the growth of children's lungs and may be related to asthma and chronic chest problems in later life.
Earlier this month, activists called for a ban on carsto from entering the school gate and to speed up time to reduce air pollution.
A report found that more than two of the five people (42 per cent)
Parents are concerned about the level of air pollution around their children's schools.
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