P I – 3–10 Seasonal contrasts of indoor exposure to pm2.5 in peri-urban and urban beijing - air purifier for smoke

by:Yovog     2020-01-04
P I – 3–10 Seasonal contrasts of indoor exposure to pm2.5 in peri-urban and urban beijing  -  air purifier for smoke
In the face of high levels of environmental air pollution and household air pollution caused by biomass combustion, Beijing is introducing interventions for domestic heating fuels in its strategic package.
The purpose of my research is to understand the indoor exposure to pm2. 5. 5 in peri-
Learn about the seasonal and spatial differences in urban and urban indoor exposure levels in Beijing in winter and summer.
Background/objective methods effects of air pollution on heart and lung diseases in urban and surrounding areas
Urban residents of Beijing (AIRLESS)
The study, a collaborative research project between the UK and China, aims to understand the health impact of ambient air pollution
City and city Beijing.
During the winter and summer airless activities, indoor deployment points
The group was recruited from Perry's airless group.
City and city Beijing. Urban sub-
Taking into account the distance between the living floor and the main road, group members were selected;
Selection criteria for perimeter-urban sub-
Panel discussion: Exposure of families to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)
Fuel for cooking and fuel for heating.
Ti MicroPEM v3.
Two scatter meters were deployed indoors to monitor pm2. 5.
Work continuously for at least 48 hours.
The result of this project is
Subjects in the city and 25 cities completed pm2 for more than 48 hours.
5 exposure monitoring of winter and summer sports. In both peri-
City and City Division
The panel is significantly higher (p
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