outdoor lighting for digital video - at home skin tightening devices

by:Yovog     2021-06-28
outdoor lighting for digital video  -  at home skin tightening devices
Outdoor difficulties with the beauty of light shooting --
The weight digital camera is your versatility to switch between one environment and another.
More than half of the recordings your standard home digital video producer wants to record are outdoors, mainly because it's the stage for so many dramatic moments in life.
As natural light itself creates problems, many new videographers try to avoid shooting in broad daylight.
There are several key tips to avoid overexposure when you are brave outdoors with your camera.
Sunlight and background are always important to know exactly which direction the Sun comes from.
If you direct a beam of sunlight into the camera's lens, you will record a terrible glare and the image will be useless.
If you're shooting
The person involved, that is, you are not interviewing, directing, or living objects, it is a good idea to keep the sun behind your right or left, this way you can use it as a key light.
The subject's light will be good and there will be no direct light in your camera lens.
If you let the subjects look in the general direction of the camera, then it is important to completely reverse and place the sun on their back.
This is because the most important thing the audience wants to see about the human theme in the movie is their eyes.
If they face the sun, they will narrow their eyes a little, and their image will eventually be less than the stars.
As with any form of shooting, it is important to maintain a significant distance between the subject and the background.
Outdoors tends to have a more colorful and active background, so in order not to distract the audience from what you intend to get them to see, it's more important to put it out of focus.
If there is not enough space between the theme and the background, or if it is not far from focus, try backing up the camera and zoom in on the theme.
If this doesn't work, try to turn the aperture up, but this will also make the final image brighter.
Remember that if one does not talk about the background, then the background should not be the focus.
Control the sun you can still use the principle of the kick machine and fill in the light on the spot.
When you are trying to light up a person, it is better to bring at least two reflective devices.
You can buy professional reflector at a reasonable price from where you sell video equipment, but it's also easy to make them at home.
You need a white card that can be replaced with a cheap white poster board.
The foil reflector is great and you can simply take a thick piece of cardboard and cut it into a large circle.
Then cover it tightly with foil.
This should be able to reflect a beam of sunlight very fully on the subject.
The strong foil reflector is ideal for use as a backlight in strong sunlight, while using the sun itself as a key light on the long side of a person's face.
Use a white card on the other side of a person's face and bring it close so that their natural skin tone is illuminated.
If you just want to use the reflector, use it instead of the fill light for the white card.
Professional mirrors are great for their flexible features.
Silver foil is the standard to use the filler, but many people also have the gold foil option.
This is great for people with very light skin tones and makes them look like a golden skin.
While you can create this reflector in your home, it won't be as versatile as a shop
The reflector was purchased because it did not have the ability to bend like the one designed by the consumer.
Always make sure you bring an object that can act as a shadow mechanism if the light becomes too bright on the object.
You can use the reflector you have brought in, but they can cause heavy falls
They are completely strong, so stay away from the light.
If someone helps you with this video, try bringing a thin white sheet between the sun and the face of the person.
In this way, the sun you are using shines directly on the long light
Although not all people are eliminated, the face of the subject will be more scattered.
Controlling the light while shooting outdoors can be a challenge, but with some advanced planning and attention to detail, you can still make high-quality video recordings.
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