outbreak of pigeon poo infection puts hospital on red alert - portable hepa air filter

by:Yovog     2020-03-14
outbreak of pigeon poo infection puts hospital on red alert  -  portable hepa air filter
A hospital has developed a rare infection associated with pigeon poo.
Glasgow Queen Elizabeth University Hospital has taken control measures immediately after two patients had inhaled cryptobacteria-a fungus commonly found in pigeon droppings.
The NHS boss says sick children and adults are treated as precautions so they are not infected.
Great Glasgow and Clyde NHS (NHSGCC)
He said, in a non-
Public areas and feces away from the ward were removed.
Teresa Inkster, chief consultant for infection control at NHSGCC, said: "cryptobacteria live in environments around the world.
It rarely causes human infection.
"People get the virus after they breathe in tiny fungi, although most people who come into contact with the virus will never get sick because of it.
Since the implementation of the control measures, no similar incidents have occurred.
At the same time, we are continuing to monitor air quality and analyze these results.
"Ensuring a safe environment for patients and employees remains our top priority.
Two infected patients are said to have responded to treatment.
As an additional precaution, the health board also has a portable HEPA filter unit installed in a specific area that filters air continuously.
NHSGCC said that during the investigation, there was a separate problem with the sealing materials of some shower rooms.
Repairs are in progress and the maintenance team is working to resolve the issue as soon as possible with minimal disruption speed.
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