our climate is changing, but are you — and your property — prepared? - the air purifier

by:Yovog     2021-02-26
our climate is changing, but are you — and your property — prepared?  -  the air purifier
AirAnd breathe. . .
Ventilation and airtightness do not seem to be compatible, but both are important.
The former includes the extraction of moisture and condensate from the air;
The latter is to prevent air from leaking through cracks in your home.
Overall ventilation system
Such as mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR)—
Installed in many new-
Build the house but need to be repaired at least once a year and the filter should be replaced regularly to keep it fresh and breeze.
These can also be installed in the old house, but the cost is high (about £10,000)
Need a complete bar
Go out and renovate in most cases.
The air purifier is a simpler solution.
Dust and volatile organic compounds
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