Oral-B's NEW AI-Brush Knows More About Brushing-Styles Than Anyone on The Planet - new electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2022-01-06
Oral-B\'s NEW AI-Brush Knows More About Brushing-Styles Than Anyone on The Planet  -  new electric toothbrush
B. innovative leader in brushing teeth and speaking
Care released its groundbreaking new AI brush genius x on MWC 2019 and demonstrated its vision for the future where smart dental and health management tools will lead to longer,Oral-
B. envision a world where health monitoring complements consumers' daily oral health routines and enables them to take full care of health.
The mouth is the gateway to health-the toothbrush is exposed twice a day. Oral-
B's vision for the future is that through home dental care, humans will live longer and healthier.
Stephen Squire.
The global brand director of B said: "? ” Oral-
B. imagine a future where people can-
Home health monitoring as part of daily oral care provides them with real oral care
Time feedback to be able to diagnose and prevent.
Squire: "Oral
B. in order to realize our vision, we must constantly innovate every year.
This year, Ole B.
B. take a step towards smarter dental equipment through new dental equipment
Genius X of artificial intelligenceIt is Oral-
B The most advanced brush so far.
Designed by dental professionals, it does something entirely new: it combines the knowledge of thousands of human brushing behaviors to assess individual brushing styles and guide users to achieve better brushing habits.
AI technology tracks where people actually brush their teeth in their mouths and provides personalized feedback on areas that require additional attention to improve oral health. Oral-
B research with dentists shows that it is successful when innovation is simple and easy to use.
The genius X of AI technology works seamlessly without changing your brushing habits or style.
It runs in the background.
It is so unique because it learns from thousands of different ways to brush your teeth:"Dr.
Ralf Rössler from the University of dental and medical digital technology in Luxembourg.
Artificial intelligence genius X is the first step towards the future, where smart devices use data analysis and turn dental devices into the most important elements of people's daily healthy lives.
Participants in MWC will be the first to experience spoken language
Genius X with artificial intelligence and brand vision for the future.
In 2019, Oral-
B provides a portfolio where everyone can find the best and most innovative products according to their special needs: more information about the mouth
B. AI genius X. visit. Oral-
Bis is the world's leader in the $5 billion single market.
The brand is part of Procter & Gamble, which includes dental products such as hand and electric toothbrushes for children and adults, oral wash and dental floss.
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