opinion: passing the responsibility of conservation on to our children - small home appliances

by:Yovog     2023-03-12
opinion: passing the responsibility of conservation on to our children  -  small home appliances
Being a parent has changed my life.
Holding my baby for the first time is incredibly emotional, happy and overwhelming.
From that moment on, I felt the responsibility to ensure that the world in which my children grew was safe and reliable.
Recent events remind us that life is not as simple as it was when I was born and not as safe as we would like.
There are things that we can control, things that we want, things that we pray that others can control for us.
Somewhere in the middle, something looks "out of our control" but actually falls completely on our shoulders.
From my point of view, caring about the environment
Cultivate it and help our children find and recognize their own love for it
It is one of the most important and critical responsibility of parents.
In the fast-paced electronic age of our lives, we are overwhelmed by the "facts" and "myths" about the products we buy, the reasons we support, and the policies and projects we believe in.
On environmental issues, in the face of conflicting views of equal value, we often scratch our heads, regardless of the actual weight of one party's scientific evidence.
About Climate Change, 98% of climate scientists tell us that this is true and is caused by human beings.
Climate change is happening, and the burning of fossil fuels is the main reason.
The best news is that this can be resolved, but we need to take action now and your family can be a part of it.
On Earth Day, evaluate what you have done for the Earth and make a plan if you don't have a "family plan" yet!
Indoors, even small children can help with family recycling programs.
Help your neighbors, your place of worship or your place of employment to design and create their own protection plan.
Helping your child understand these plans and follow-up is important to you and should be important to them.
Teenagers can unplug small household appliances, mobile phones, computers and electronic toys when they are charging or not in use.
Outdoor use of public transport
Your taxes are paid and it is there for you to use.
Do multiple errands on a single trip using reusable bags, cups and bottles.
Visit the local, state or federal representative's office to ask what they are doing to protect you and our environment.
Find out their voting records on your concerns.
Remind your child
And the officials you were elected)
Peter Parker's uncle once told Spider-Man: "The power of power has brought great responsibility.
"Walk around the neighborhood, visit local beaches or parks, hike and feel the surroundings.
Learn about the names of animals, birds and plants in your community.
When you get home, organize a family meeting and share what you see and why it is important to protect and nurture nature.
Affecting the Earth and our health.
From the dangerous chemicals that are entering the food we eat, to the safety of the air we breathe and the water we drink.
If we don't act, we don't put pressure, we lose control of the most important things.
Showing your children your concern for our environment teaches them responsibility for a healthy planet.
They can make a difference and it's worth it.
As French writer Jean Rostein and biologist Rachel Carson told us: "The obligation to endure gives us the right to know.
So on Earth Day, let the children in your life see you stand up for them and stand up for the truth.
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