O'Reilly: Conservatives should root for Tesla - air cleaner in car

by:Yovog     2021-06-01
O\'Reilly: Conservatives should root for Tesla  -  air cleaner in car
In an about-
In the face of his former
On Monday night, Tesla's mood, Bill O'Reilly, urged his audience to "rethink" alternative energy and announce that "everyone on earth should support" electric vehicles.
He even called it "changing the rules of the game ".
Everyone, he said, includes "traditional car companies that have to compete "---
It's hard not to think of this as a rebuke to Chris Christie's recent success in protecting traditional dealers from this competition.
"If Tesla can make a clean car, the whole car industry can do it," O'Reilly continued . ".
"So there are air purifiers everywhere and our wallets are thicker.
So let's get started, people!
Don't worry, O'Reilly still doesn't believe the nonsense of global warming because "no one really knows if this is true.
"(No one but almost every climate scientist.
) "I agree that many people in the Green Hall are themselves
"Integrity, arrogance and stupidity, but if cheap, clean energy becomes the norm, we will all be better off," he said . ".
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