now trump doesn't believe his own scientists on climate change | editorial - air purifier filter

by:Yovog     2022-12-09
now trump doesn\'t believe his own scientists on climate change | editorial  -  air purifier filter
On the rampant Black Friday of consumerism, President Trump's administration released a scientific report on the terrible threat of climate change to humanity.
This is unintentional.
This is to cover up the bad news on the busiest shopping day of the year.
The point is that we are destroying the planet, and Trump's own experts say that ignoring climate change will cost our economy hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
According to the scientists who wrote the report, the total annual loss will "exceed the current gross domestic product (G. D. P. )of many U. S. states.
"In general, the financial crisis is likely to be more than double that of the Great Recession.
Trump says the Earth is finished, so let's burn as much fossil fuel as we can. Edit: Trump thinks he's saving international trade, and senior federal government scientists say doing nothing on climate change will make us less competitive in industries like agriculture and tourism, crop production and decreased Shore visitors.
We will lose $141 billion.
The report found that by the end of the century, the number of deaths was $118 billion, the number of sea level rises was $32 billion, and the number of infrastructure damage was $.
Destroy growth and cost our economy billions of dollars!
Trump may say bad deals.
But we don't see a tweet like this.
"I don't believe it," the president said on Monday, without any evidence to the contrary.
Perhaps this is because his policies are completely contrary to the advice of his own scientists.
By seeking to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement (Paris climate accord) and the Clean energy Plan (Clean Power Plan), it was indicated to automakers that they did not need to comply with exhaust emission standards, laughing at climate research is a "scam" to mistakenly confuse weather with climate
It's like the cold Thanksgiving Day refutes the existence of global warming.
Trump is adding to the danger.
This is a report that requires the White House to be released every four years. The initial concern is that Trump officials will tamper with the findings.
When they try to reduce environmental protection, its data will certainly be an obstacle in court.
But it is clear that the White House allows it to be released as it is, because it believes that even in the face of the terrible warnings from the Trump administration, his fans will not be intimidated.
Trump denies climate change in the Environmental Protection Agency's transition team
Milloy said, "we don't care.
He blamed the report on "deep state", like thousands of scientists around the world, in a consortium of 13 American scientists. S.
Federal agencies are plotting to hide the truth from the American public.
But we saw the impact with our own eyes.
Consider only the effects of a big storm.
The salt from Hurricane Sandy has eroded our Tunnel to Manhattan and threatened to close the tunnel for mass repair, which could weaken the economy in the northeast.
The report notes that unexpected factors such as this flood make it more difficult to repair damage to other areas such as electrical systems.
This does not even take into account the social costs of future consequences, from respiratory diseases associated with dangerous high levels of mold to clinical depression for victims who have lost everything.
Poor and vulnerable groups, including the elderly, have the heaviest financial burden.
Wildfire victims in California are now expected to pay hundreds of dollars to buy air purifiers to breathe safely for themselves and their children, just as Sandy victims have to commit suicide in the hotel.
If we don't change our direction, global warming will almost certainly do great harm to the United States. S.
Economic, environmental and human health
"In the coming decades," the report warned . ".
Trump says he wants a "good climate ".
"But if he can't face it, he will never negotiate a better deal. BookmarkNJ. com/Opinion.
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