nitrate formation from atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen photocatalysed by nano-sized titanium dioxide - purified air

by:Yovog     2021-05-17
nitrate formation from atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen photocatalysed by nano-sized titanium dioxide  -  purified air
With the development of modern industry and agriculture, the concentration of nitrate in aquatic system is increasing, causing a series of environmental problems.
Here we describe a process of Nitrate formation that was not previously reported.
Both indoor and outdoor experiments have shown that on nanoparticles, nitrate may be formed by abundant atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen.
Under ultraviolet or sunlight, the size of titanium dioxide surface.
We believe that no is an intermediate product in this process and use the following methods to clarify its formation mechanism
Calculation principle of density functional theory.
In view of the increasing use of titanium dioxide worldwide, this titanium dioxide-
The Mediated Photo-catalytic process may reveal a potential underrated source of nitrate in the environment, which may, on the one hand, lead to an increasing number of environmental pollution problems and, on the other hand, may provide an alternative approach, gentle and cost-effective
An effective way to produce nitrate.
Quartz glass tube (6.
Height is 5 cm, diameter is 6 cm)
Full 150-
Ultra pure water ml, except 0.
01 mM CrO was added as an electronic scavenger and used as a light catalyst for catalytic reaction.
Commercial TiO nanoparticles, P25 (Degussa Co. , Germany)
And widely used food.
E171 TiO (
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