nippon paint launches product that cleanses air by absorbing formaldehyde - indoor air cleaner

by:Yovog     2019-07-22
nippon paint launches product that cleanses air by absorbing formaldehyde  -  indoor air cleaner
Chennai: Japanese paint Indian company launches "smell-
"Less air pollution" is a product that uses activated carbon technology to purify air by absorbing formaldehyde from indoor air pollutants.
The product uses the "Activated Carbon Technology", which can continuously absorb harmful formaldehyde in the air and convert it into water vapor while enhancing the paint film to make the indoor air cleaner, A statement from the company said.
Formaldehyde is a common indoor air pollutant that can be found in almost all homes and buildings.
It is discharged from sources such as furniture, carpets, floors, cabinets and wallpaper into the air and is known to cause allergies and respiratory problems.
"Japanese coatings have been supporting initiatives that encourage environmental sustainability.
The company is the first company to launch smelly paint.
Zero volatile organic compounds (VOC).
Japanese paint India offers a complete range of ecology
Friendly and low VOC coatings for concrete, wood and metal, "President Ramakanth V Akula
Decoration, Japanese paint.
Smell of Japanese paint
Less air care also has strong anti-fungal, anti-scrub properties and can be cleaned for household stains.
The new product is-
Bacteria and non-heavy metals and ammonia, the statement said.
Smell of Japanese paint
The price of Less AirCare is 650 rupees for 1 liter tank and 3100 rupees for 5 liters tank.
The product is being launched in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh and will be available in other markets in the coming months, the statement said.
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