New Design, New Price - oral b toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-10-15
New Design, New Price  -  oral b toothbrush
22. editor 2002To: Re 'first look: small brush, Reborn ''(Aug. 1)
: Thanks to Till Winkler for redesigning the Oral B toothbrush to create a more valuable product.
When I read that the classic verbal B indicator is history, I rushed to the pharmacy to store these streamlined minimalists.
The verbal B of the redesign, the curve of all spills, is $4.
49, while stripping-
The down jacket Ole B model costs only $ months. 99.
I then noticed that a bunch of regular late 1980s versions only sold for $1. 59.
I robbed half a dozen.
As a relic of retro fashion, it may take 15 years for this basic brush to come back.
Erin POLLOCKNew YorkWe keeps improving our text files.
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A version of this letter was printed on page F00005 of the National edition on August 22, 2002, with the title: new design, new price.
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