National Enquirer sold to US magazine distributor - which is the best electric toothbrush to buy

by:Yovog     2022-07-08
National Enquirer sold to US magazine distributor  -  which is the best electric toothbrush to buy
The owner of the US tabloid National Inquirer has agreed to sell the title to James Cohen, a magazine dealer ).
American Media CorporationAMI)
The company said it would sell the title and two of its sister publications to Cohen.
Tabloids are involved in
S. President Donald Trump and Amazon's Jeff Bezos profile scandal.
The terms of the sale have not yet been disclosed, but The Washington Post reported that the sale price was $100 (£77m).
AMI said in a statement that it had in principle reached an agreement with Cohen to sell the US and UK versions of the title with global and national examiners.
"Sales of these brands have shown their dynamism in today's newsstand market, and they continue to generate nearly $30 million in profits each year," said AMI chief executive David Pecker . ".
Cohen's family built the Hudson chain at the airport newsstand.
The family now owns Hudson News distributor, an American magazine and book dealer.
"Year after year, The Inquirer is still one of the best --
"The sales and most profitable newsstand titles," Cohen said . "
He said he plans to promote video and documentary cooperation among national inquirers and the theme park business.
The National Inquirer is known for its quirky celebrity gossip and crime coverage.
Last year, publishers admitted helping Trump's presidential campaign masked a report of an affair with a former Playboy model.
Federal prosecutors announced on December that AMI admitted paying Karen mcchral $150,000 for "killing" in her story"
Until the election of 2016.
In February, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos accused his owner of trying to blackmail him with obscene photos.
He said AMI wanted him to stop investigating how they got his private information.
Earlier this month, the publisher announced that it was working for 93-year-old title.
The tabloid was originally founded in 1926 as an Inquirer of the New York Evening News, when it was released as a newspaper on a Sunday.
At its peak, its weekly circulation reached millions, but the internet had a huge impact on sales.
Circulation announced last year has fallen to 265,000.
A fiscal year fell by 18%.
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