National Capital: Makers of air purifiers hope for a windfall - personal air purifier

by:Yovog     2019-08-14
National Capital: Makers of air purifiers hope for a windfall  -  personal air purifier
These companies expect high profits for both the Delhi/NCR region and the neighbouring small and secondary cities, and as demand for the American countries continues to grow, the air quality in the capital remains poor, air purifier manufacturers have seen soaring sales and huge profits in the coming weeks.
As demand grows, these companies expect high profits in the Delhi/NCR region as well as in neighboring small and secondary cities.
Every year, many jobs and school days are lost due to colds and flu.
Children are more susceptible to infection due to their low immunity to the flu.
It is highly contagious, and people with the flu can spread it to others other than 6 feet.
Vaccination is still the most effective way to prevent flu, according to health professionals, but there is also evidence that air purifiers can help people stay healthy during the flu season.
Although the air purifier industry is small and limited to big cities, manufacturers are witnessing a high
Thanks to the increased awareness of people who are willing to spend money to improve the air quality around them, the number in the field has grown.
"Before and after Diwali, we used to see a further drop in air quality levels, some of which will definitely translate into awareness and demand for this category.
We expect demand in big cities and in the North to be a large part.
We expect the domestic market for air purifiers to be around 2,00, 000 units per year.
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