my gums are randomly bleeding - do i have gingivitis? - wireless electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2020-07-08
my gums are randomly bleeding - do i have gingivitis?  -  wireless electric toothbrush
If your gums are bleeding randomly and you start to worry about the health of your mouth, then bleeding may not be that random, there is an explanation for this.
This is most likely due to gum inflammation, a dental problem that can be corrected through proper oral hygiene.
Gum bleeding is a problem for many people, no matter where they live in the world.
In North America, more than 75% of people over 35 years of age suffer from periodontal disease.
Gum pain is a problem for many of us, and this is usually the first sign that we need to think more seriously about dental hygiene.
If your gums are bleeding randomly, you may suffer from gum inflammation, a periodontal disease that, if not properly treated, progresses in other more serious diseases.
Brushing teeth is good to prevent bleeding gums
Philips Sonicare HX6972 FlexCare plus gentle cleaning can reduce the tenderness of the gums and reduce the bleeding of the gums, helping to stop and reverse the recession of the gums.
This will help the gums heal as soon as possible within two to four weeks.
The specially designed contour brush head will remove plaque along the gums
Line, where it's hard to get to, plaque can affect your gums.
Great reviews on Amazon tell about the efficiency and effectiveness of this great brushing system.
Bleeding gums caused random bleeding gums?
Some people complain that their gums are bleeding at random.
While this may be just a random event, it will disappear and, most often, the gums with random bleeding are associated with periodontal disease.
Except for periodontal diseases ,(or gum disease)
Bleeding gums can also be caused by: Pregnancy, vitamin deficiency ,(scurvy)
Infection of teeth or gums, leukemia, diabetes, changes in hormones and side effects of certain drugs.
The most common cause is poor dental hygiene.
Poor oral hygiene will allow plaque to develop to a higher level than health, and bacteria filled with plaque will produce too much acid and will hurt your teeth and gums.
Gums and teeth are not the only ones affected by plaque, and recent studies have shown that abnormal plaque causes heart problems.
Also, if plaque is not removed, it will develop into tartar, which will definitely lead to your gums.
There is sufficient scientific evidence that, without treatment, gum inflammation can develop into a more serious periodontal disease --periodontitis.
People often complain about bleeding after deep cleaning at the dentist.
Most of the time, this is just a temporary issue and will disappear within 24 hours.
If not, call your dentist.
Avoid using blood thinners or even aspirin during this period.
This may make the situation worse. GUM Soft-
PicksSoft picks is a great way to clean between teeth and it is easier than floss.
The design of this choice is very gentle for your gums, suitable for small places, and helps to remove plaque and tartar, so your gums bleed less.
However, soft picks are only available for people with enough space between teeth.
How to stop bleeding gums-
The first step to prevent gum atrophy?
If you ignore the random bleeding of the gums, in a timely manner, this may develop into a more serious disease, periodontal disease.
In more advanced cases, periodontal disease can make your gums subside.
It is not easy to treat gum regression, but it is absolutely manageable if found in time.
The most important thing is to be organized, determined, tenacious and planned.
If you make up your mind, you can reverse the tendency of gum atrophy in a few months to a year.
If your gums just bleed occasionally, then your gums have started to fade a little, but it's not too late yet.
However, you need to start your gum treatment plan as soon as possible and do not let it develop into a more serious condition.
Deep cleaning at the dentist is the first step, but even without deep cleaning you should start quick cleaning immediately
Follow up on the recovery of gums.
All of the following will help your gums to be healthy and stop "pink in the sink": the first important thing is to have a professional deep cleaning in the dentist's office.
If you have regular cleaning, you brush your teeth and floss every day, and your gum health gets worse, you should go to another dentist/technician the next time you clean it.
Brush your teeth two or three times a day.
Don't skip brushing your teeth because it is essential to keep your teeth clean.
If you are not sure to have the dentist show you the right technique, make sure you brush it right.
Using an electric toothbrush can improve your chances of relieving gum inflammation.
Clean your teeth at least once a day before going to bed.
If you clean your teeth twice with dental floss, your recovery time will be faster.
Don't be stingy with dental floss if you are traveling, be sure to carry dental floss with you.
Consider picking with water or more modern air.
The use of air picks can not only serve as dental floss, but also massage the gums and increase blood flow.
The advantage of the Air Floss is that you can add your favorite mouthwash, which will be exactly where you need it most.
There's more to the back of this article about mouthwash.
You need to use strong antimicrobial agents such as Periomed when you start treatment.
If you can't do this, please use a product containing glucose chlorhexidine as an active ingredient.
It is a powerful drug, antibacterial gargle.
You can switch to a more gentle resistance when the gums start to recover
Bacterial mouthwash such as BreathRx or Biotene, in the most effective product temperature and. A great all-
By mixing water and tea, you can prepare natural antibacterial mouthwash at hometree oil.
Use a toothpaste for killing bacteria and preventing plaque. BreathRx Anti-
A bacterial oral rinse preparation that prevents the development of dental plaque and eliminates odor.
A gentle anti-bacterial formula, non-alcoholic, can help you fight plaque and tartar.
However, do not over-use like other mouthwash.
Excessive use of gargle will kill your oral flora and plaque.
Plants in your mouth are critical to your gum health.
Use any mouthwash regularly until the bleeding of the gums stops, and then continue to use mouthwash with a lower frequency.
Brushing your teeth and using dental floss is actually the most effective and safe way to remove dental plaque.
You can also check my page on how to remove plaque from your teeth.
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