mumbaikars breathed poor quality air throughout january - where to buy car air purifiers

by:Yovog     2021-06-09
mumbaikars breathed poor quality air throughout january  -  where to buy car air purifiers
The city's air was not good throughout January.
Analysis of Air Quality Index (AQI)
Through the air quality and weather forecast research system (SAFAR)
The Air showing Mumbai was "poor" and "very poor" throughout the month, unless one day it was classified as "satisfied ".
Persistent poor quality breathing air will not only increase the risk of respiratory disease, but also cause major health problems including heart disease and chronic lung disease.
According to SAFAR, 13 days in January belong to "very poor", 9 days belong to "poverty" and 8 days belong to "modern ".
This is worse than January 2018, when 18 days were "poor" and 13 days were "modern ".
"This year, January is relatively colder with calm days.
In addition, construction activities excavated this year have increased significantly compared to last year, "said Gufran Beig, project director at SAFAR.
AQI is calculated based on the ambient concentration values of air pollutants and their possible health effects (called health breakpoints.
These values of 8 pollutants have evolved: particles of 10 microns (PM10)
Particulate matter 2. 5 microns (PM2. 5)
Nitrogen (NO2)
Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
Carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), ammonia (NH3), and lead (Pb).
AQI is divided into six categories: Good, satisfied, medium, poor, very poor and serious.
The analysis provided by SAFAR specializes in the particulate matter of 2. 5 microns (PM2. 5)
This is the most fine particles that can go deep into the body and cause serious health risks.
"Particulate matter is fine particles released from any pollution activities such as combustion, vehicle emissions, construction works, dust removal, etc.
When pm2, the PM10 particles managed to reach the airway.
5 more fine, deep into the lungs, causing serious damage to allergic reactions, "Dr.
Sneha Limaye Foundation for Chest Research (CRF)in Pune, said.
The particle precipitation time is longer due to the temperature drop.
For those who have already struggled with lung disease and poor respiratory health, the situation has become worse, experts say.
Precautions such as using masks when going out are also not helpful.
"If a person is using a mask, it should block finer particles like the N95 mask.
People can also choose to travel by plane.
Air-conditioned vehicles, growing more air at the same time
It will help to purify indoor plants and install air purifiers in offices and homes.
Although not everyone can take these measures, there is no other option to escape the air . "Limaye said.
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