Mouth Health: Are Sonic Toothbrushes Really Better? - travel electric toothbrush

by:Yovog     2021-11-09
Mouth Health: Are Sonic Toothbrushes Really Better?  -  travel electric toothbrush
During my long career as a beauty dentist in New York, I was often asked about Sonic toothbrushes and if they were really better than standard toothbrushes.
Of course, advertising will make you think so, so will the price tag (
Most sonic toothbrushes cost $80. $150 plus).
But are they really better?
Let's take a look at this: first, let's take a look at the toothbrush technology, or I should say that there is a lack of such technology.
Although I will not enter the whole history (
This is a complete blog post.
It can be said that the basic design of the toothbrush has been in existence for a long time.
The toothbrush we use today is very similar to what we used decades ago.
There have been some changes in the shape, and the length of the bristles is different, but the concept of the whole is the same.
There are really three kinds of toothbrushes: there are your standard "non-
Electric brushes used by most people;
"Electric Toothbrush" appeared in early 1950s ";
And it's very high.
Electric model (
Also called "sonic" toothbrush)
This was first developed in the 1980s.
Here is your basic difference between the three "types" of toothbrushes: the standard "non-
Electric toothbrush-
These come in many shapes and sizes, powered by your hand/wrist.
The effect of using the brush is to scrape off the plaque and other particles.
These brushes are very effective in cleaning the surface of the teeth, and because of the bristles design, they become better between "clipped" teeth.
But in the end, they can only clean up what the bristles actually come into contact.
Electric toothbrush
The toothbrushes were first introduced about 60 years ago and it can move/vibrate the brush head to adjust at speeds of 2,500 and 7,000 times per minute.
This eliminates the fact that the user has to move the head in a "brush" action, but simply move the vibrating brush head along the teeth.
Personally, I would refer to these types of toothbrushes as "gimmicks" because, like traditional toothbrushes, they only clean what they touch.
So the only good thing is not to move your hand in a "brush" way, which is not a good thing.
Sonic Toothbrush
These are the above.
"Electric Toothbrush" was mentioned on steroids ".
Sonic toothbrushes generally vibrate at speeds of 30,000 to 40,000 bars per minute.
The ads say this gives you better cleaning as they even clean areas where bristles are not in contact.
Is that the case?
If this is true, is it really better than a standard toothbrush?
The answer, in my opinion, is "it depends ".
"It depends on you and how
Your oral hygiene habits are deep.
I would say that the evidence does suggest that sonic toothbrushes do clean areas that traditional toothbrushes cannot clean.
This is because extreme vibrations generate a lot of energy and movement to power the oral fluid (
Saliva, water, toothpaste)
Between the teeth and the area below the gums.
As a result, these areas have received a certain degree of attention, otherwise this will not happen to the standard (or electric)toothbrush.
So in this sense, the sonic brush is definitely better than the standard brush.
In addition, studies have shown that people spend longer brushing their teeth with sonic toothbrushes.
In addition to this, it is usually a good thing to brush longer, so the score of the sonic toothbrush is another point.
Finally, many users of sonic toothbrushes report that their teeth "feel" better using sonic toothbrushes.
This is worth it.
However, this does not mean they are really "better ".
"As I said before, it depends on you and your oral hygiene habits.
You will get everything if your daily life includes using a standard toothbrush and floss for two minutes (and more)
More than a sonic toothbrush.
Floss scratch/clean areas that are not accessible to the normal toothbrush, it does a better job than any sonic toothbrush (
Please do not think that sonic toothbrushes can replace dental floss despite any advertising claims. )
In addition, some people use floating objects (
Like water. ®)--
Again, this is beyond what a sonic toothbrush can do.
So in the end, it really depends on you.
If you don't use floss (
I'm a realist. -
I know most people don't.
, The sonic toothbrush will definitely be more suitable for you than the ordinary toothbrush, which may be worth studying.
But if you try to brush your teeth, floss regularly (
And/or use floats)
Sound Wave toothbrush may not be completely necessary-
You may cover all the bases with your current oral hygiene routine (
Congratulate you on doing well in this regard. )
But if you really want to be sure, sonic toothbrushes and dental floss are an unbeatable combination.
At least before technology gives us a laser.
Space for nuclear fusion
Keep Smiling next time!
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